Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 176 Naming

Chapter 176 Naming

Legolas and Blade came out of the library like men on a mission.

Their faces seemed so intent on fulfilling what was on their mind that they seemed capable of destroying the whole world just to achieve their goals.

After biding them farewell, General Toothpick remained inside the library.

"Master, I'll see you later, I need to go do something".

Legolas simply nodded his head as Blade hurried off.

Though he didn't have problems with studying like Christensen, as a Pugilist, Blade still didn't like studying, what he liked more was combat but after getting the Combat God Pugilist knowledge, he was enthusiastic to go studying.

As for Legolas, he didn't need studying, his virtual interface already simplified everything for him as the knowledges were already assimilated into his brain.

His virtual interface literally made him a bug in this world.

What he was instead enthusiastic for was 2 of the class knowledges that he got, the Beast Hierarchy and Naming Authority class knowledges, he was enthusiastic to put the 2 class knowledges to use.

Without hesitation, as soon as his student left, Legolas called for Predator through his telepathic connection as the Nightmare Beast soon arrived.

Legolas mounted Predator before riding out of the Hunter Union headquarters, he rode to a nearby vacant valley where he finally stopped.

As soon as Predator stopped, Legolas came down as a lot of things started going through his mind. He intended to name his beasts first.

The only problem was the allocated naming slots.

'Only 4 Naming chances were given to me'.

'Predator, Akela, and Bran will each get one'.

Legolas rubbed his chin. 'So, who will get the last chance, Nymeria?'

'You dare!'

Legolas was spooked by the loud voice that reverberated through his head through the telepathic connection, he recognized the voice, it was Lucky's.

"Haha…" Legolas chuckled. "I almost forgot".

'Open the bridge!'

'How dare you forget?'

Legolas could feel a headache coming. Lucky was not supposed to be able to read his thoughts unless they were communicating telepathically, so how was the damn little Fox able to tap into his thoughts this time?

He had no choice but to succumb to her fiery self though.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning


"You actually forgot…"

Lucky's voice was loud like that of a nagging wife.

"I'm sorry!" Legolas yelled before she could start her ranting.

"…" Lucky paused, stunned.

For a long time since her birth, she had always bickered with her father due to her rebellious phase of childhood. Never had her father succumbed to her, Legolas suddenly succumbing for the first time left her stunned.

And yes, Lucky already started seeing Legolas as her father.

As she grew older, the more she presented herself with a question, who were her parents? She had no knowledge of her biological father and mother, when she gained cognitive abilities, Legolas was the only person that she knew.

In the end, she concluded that Legolas was her father.

This did not diminish her shock at Legolas's swift surrender though, she fidgeted as her Foxes rallied behind her back then she snorted.

"Good, I will be taking that 4th naming chance".

"Of course". Legolas smiled. "Who else deserves to take it?"

Once Lucky presented herself, everything became easier for Legolas, he now knew which beasts to use his naming chances on and he didn't hesitate.

The naming chances of the Naming Authority knowledge was like the naming ability of a Necromancer. By naming his beasts, they could finally reach their full potentials, not only increasing their attributes but also purifying their bloodlines.

Legolas no longer hesitated.


You have made use of a Naming Chance!

With your authority as a Shepherd Summoner, you have named the Moon Fox- Lucky!josei

[Lucky has received Bonuses:]

>+3000 Health Points<

>+200 to all basic attributes<

[Lucky's bloodline has been purified!]

[Lucky has unlocked Primordial Fox Ability: Shapeshifter!]

>Shapeshifter: When activated, Lucky can shapeshift into any of the 3 beings that are embedded in her bloodline<

>Shapeshift Beings: Human; Fairy; Golden Eagle<

[Lucky has unlocked an inheritance opportunity!]

[Inheritance Location: Extreme North!]


Legolas's first naming chance resulted in a change that left even him flabbergasted, Legolas looked at the little Fox with dropped jaws.

At this moment, an ethereal green light was flowing through Lucky's body as mysterious changes went on every second in this Fox's body.

Legolas's eyes widened. "You little devil!"

"How can you be so lucky?" He was flabbergasted.

This was not his first time using the Naming Authority knowledge since he also had access to it in his previous life. Then, all his beasts managed to get was bonus increases to health and attributes, nothing else.

Legolas already knew that his little Fox was lucky, but at times, seeing the miracles of luck firsthand hit so hard that it still seemed ridiculous.

After all the changes, Lucky raised her head to look at her father. "I feel a connection to deep inside the north, it's like the Winter is calling me".

Legolas bent down and gently patted her head. "I'll take you there".

He made use of another naming chance.


You have made use of a Naming Chance!

With your authority as a Shepherd Summoner, you have named the Nightmare Beast- Predator!

[Predator has received Bonuses:]

>+5000 Health Points<

>+200 to all basic attributes<

[Predator's bloodline has been purified!]

[Predator has unlocked Primordial Nightmare Beast Ability: Disintegrate!]

>Disintegrate: Can be activated by a bite. Once activated, the affected area has a 100% chance of suffering a severe injury, and a 20% chance for the affected area to start disintegrating from the cells<

[Predator has unlocked Primordial Nightmare Beast Ability: Energy Drain!]

>Energy Drain: Can be activated by a bite. Once activated, opponent's mana is drained and used to replenish Predator's mana. Induces debuffs<


>Double Damage to opponent for 2 minutes after bite<

>Healing Theft: Opponent is unable to heal for 2 minutes after bite<

>Shock Damage: All Predator's attacks deal additional shock damage<

You have made use of a Naming Chance!

With your authority as a Shepherd Summoner, you have named the Wind Wolf- Akela!

[Akela has received Bonuses:]

>+2000 Health Points<

>+100 to all basic attributes<

[Akela's bloodline has been purified!]

[Akela's leadership qualities and abilities has improved!]

You have made use of Naming Chance!

With your authority as a Shepherd Summoner, you have named the Void Raven- Bran!

[Bran has received Bonuses:]

>+3000 Health Points<

>+150 to all basic attributes<

[Bran's bloodline has been purified!]

[Bran has unlocked Primordial Void Raven Ability: Eyes of a Hundred Void Ravens!]

[Bran has upgraded Eyes of a Dozen Void Ravens Special Ability to become Eyes of a Hundred Void Ravens!]





Legolas was speechless, he was lost for words to say.

Looking at the changes that went on in Predator's body, he was unsure of what to do but he followed his instincts as he jumped excitedly like a maniac.

"F*ck, my luck is off the charts today!"

"Yeah man!"

Legolas's decision to come to the North already proved to be his best decision since reincarnating, the benefits were completely off the charts.

Once Predator's transformation was complete, his aura changed completely. The dark energy surrounding him became thicker and more sinister.

Predator felt the change also as this Nightmare Beast grinned.



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