Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 201 Ariel, The World Illusion Fox

Chapter 201 Ariel, The World Illusion Fox

Helena led Lucky to the gate of the World Illusion.

World Illusion was the endgame level of Foxes who took a certain route with their bloodline powers. After attaining the World Illusion level, Foxes gain the incredible ability of creating an entirely new world for themselves.

One of the strongest special abilities of World Illusion Foxes was the ability to drag their opponents into their Illusion World where they are God.

In their World Illusion, World Illusion Foxes are invincible. They are the God and they decide on the laws of their world, they decide the atmospheric condition, they decide which species can survive there, they control everything.

The more Lucky was told about this Illusion Emperor, the more this little Moon Fox became reverent of this ancestor of hers.

Following Helena's lead, she passed through the gate.


When Lucky regained her sight, she appeared in an entirely new world. Before going down to the world, from the skies for a few seconds, she and Helena were given the opportunity of having an overview of this world.

The arctic zone, the desert, the seas and oceans, the rain forests and savannah grasslands, this was an entirely new world in itself.

In this world, only Foxes lived here.

"Most of them were created by her Excellency".

Lucky was astonished. "Is she a goddess?"

They descended into the world the next moment. The walk did not take long, after just a short walk, they arrived before a waterfall.

Lying at the grass beneath the waterfall was a normal Fox.

Despite not seeing its front view yet, Lucky was breath taken by the part of this Fox that she was able to see. With pure white fur that glistened like snow, beautiful long and hairy ears, and a gentle demeanor, Lucky fell in love.

"Ahhh…" The gentle white Fox spoke the next moment.

"How long has it been?"

"2 centuries? 3 centuries?"

"The standards of Foxes across the cosmos keeps decreasing, I thought I won't witness another Fox that triggers my main inheritance".

As she spoke, slowly, this majestic white Fox stood up.

Helena bowed respectfully. "Your Excellency Illusion Emperor".

Lucky dared not dally around, she imitated Helena's actions and bowed as respectfully as she could. "Your Excellency Illusion Emperor".

The white Fox gently smiled at the little Yellow Fox with white dots. She didn't pay much attention to looking at the little Yellow Fox, at the exact moment that Lucky arrived in her domain through the Unicorn Horses, she knew.

Her energy check was powerful enough to span the whole island.

"Little one, what is your name?"

"Lucky, your Excellency".

"I'm curious". She finally turned to look at the little Fox.

As soon as the white Fox turned, Lucky dared not look at her directly as she looked down. Every movement and every gesture of this white Fox was so majestic that Lucky feared looking at her would make her go crazy in fanatism.

"I'm curious, you're the youngest Fox that ever managed to trigger my main inheritance, how did you do it?" She looked at the little Yellow Fox curiously.

Lucky fidgeted. "My father did most of the work".

The white Fox was visibly surprised. "Who is your father?"

"A human".


Lucky was quick to understand her mistake. "I'm sorry…, I didn't really grow with any parents, I grew up knowing him as my only parent so I took him as my father, he took good care of me".

"But you're only a few months old". The white Fox's eyes narrowed into slits as she looked at Lucky. "What is her base specie?"

Helena answered this time. "It's a species that I haven't heard of before".

"What is it?"

"A Star Fox".


With a loud sound, a part of the white Fox's illusion cracked, exposing her real self. Instead of the normal white Fox that Lucky saw before, she now saw an extremely gigantic White Fox standing before her.

She was still extremely beautiful and majestic but the sheer size of this Fox in relative to her sent Lucky pissing herself, she was intimidated as she shivered.

Helena was shocked by the Illusion Emperor's reaction.

As a Grade S Fox at the pinnacle of power, few things could startle her enough to lose her cool. Illusion was her main power, the Emperor losing control so much that it affected her illusion was a big subject.

Helena looked at Lucky in shock before looking back at the white Fox. "What happened?"


The White Fox did not reply her as she fanatically stared at Lucky.


Despite the distance being just a little more than a meter, the World Illusion Fox moved with incredible speed as her nose arrived beside Lucky as she sniffed the next moment then her eyes widened incredulously.

"You're the real deal!"

"The f*cking real deal!"

"Damn! Another Star Fox in my lifetime, I can't believe it!"

This gigantic White Fox was so excited and in disbelief at this moment that she reacted like a typical fangirl. At this moment, she no longer had the grace and aura of a powerful Grade S Emperor but just like any other Fox.

Lucky was stunned, Helena was also stunned but just for a brief moment, she palmed her head the next moment.

She sighed. "Ariel…, all you needed to make it perfect was to keep it up for just a few more seconds".

"Must you lose yourself to such small surprises?"

"This is definitely no small surprise Helena!" The Illusion Emperor already lost it, she no longer cared about courtesy or her grace.

"What is a Star Fox by the way?"

This gigantic White Fox turned to face her long-time friend and assistant as she grinned. "The gods have never been as generous to me".

"George's bloodline…" She said this with so much emotion.




Helena was completely dumbfounded, her mouth hanged open in shock. She finally understood the reason for the Illusion Emperor's reaction.

Noticing their reactions, Lucky panicked. "What?"

"Follow me sweet girl". Her treatment of this little Yellow Fox already underwent a 360 degree turn as the Illusion Emperor led her away.

"You've heard of George?"


"What of the Space Conqueror of the Fox race?"


"Surely, you've heard of George the Planet Smasher?"

"Umm…, no".

The gigantic White Fox scratched her head again. "Which planet again?"

"Planet Darvis".

"Ahh…, that…"

Not caring about her again, the Illusion Emperor started explaining. "Thousands of years ago when surface planet races started colonizing into space, the Foxes were not part of them until George rose into the scene".

"George was the first and last Star Fox of our race".

"Using the incredible powers of his bloodline, he rapidly climbed through the ranks to the peak of power, heralding an era of prosperity for all Foxes".

"We experienced our peak during his time until he mysteriously disappeared, since then, the Foxes have been on a steady decline".

"This is just a summary of his greatness but every young Fox should know of George, which backwater planet did you come from?!"

"Ahem…" Helena cleared her throat.

"Ah…, sorry for that outburst, I was just overwhelmed". The Illusion Emperor chuckled. "So, in essence, my reaction to your bloodline is not without basis, your bloodline has the potentials to change the history of our race again".

"I have to confirm for myself".

A few minutes later…

>Base Bloodline: Star Fox<

Though she already expected to see it, a wide smile still spread through the face of the Illusion Emperor after she saw it.

"Welcome to my domain". She officially welcomed Lucky with a smile.

"Over the milleniums, only 7 Foxes have been able to trigger my main inheritance. 6 of them already graduated, 2 of them are already Grade S Foxes".

"My last student who is still training is Genji".

"Lucky, will you accept me as your master?"

Lucky didn't even need to think. "I accept".

The next minute, they arrived at an exclusive training chamber inside her master's World Illusion. There, Lucky saw her elder brother for the first time, Genji was a Fox who inherited the rare Sveltezza bloodline.

This Grade A Fox had unparalleled agility.

At this moment, Genji was training with his sword. Apart from his sword, Genji had a mechanical armor that was specially made for him.

On noticing the new arrivals, Genji stopped training and turned to face them.

He bowed. "Master".

"Mistress Helena".

"And should I call you…, junior sister?"

Lucky smiled. "It's nice to meet you too".

The Illusion Emperor smiled. "Take your time to meet Genji, he'll get you up to speed with your training".

She looked at Lucky seriously. "Lucky, you have a lot of potential".

"If you are determined enough, I can and will make you the best".

Lucky bowed respectfully. "Thank you, master".josei

Lucky officially started training under the Illusion Emperor's guidance, as for her companions, as her 7 followers, they had their own exclusive training.

This was Redmane's target from the beginning when he met Lucky.


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