Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 214 Taking Action

Chapter 214 Taking Action



As soon as Sophia's consciousness returned to her body, having grown used to it already, Lily instantly knew as she stood up and barked.

Sophia smiled as she opened her eyes and tenderly rubbed the golden retriever's fur. As she was rubbed, Lily purred in a satisfied manner as she slowly laid on the ground even as her eyes narrowed into slits.

While she caressed her pet, a lot of things went through Sophia's mind.

'Is it finally beginning?' She dreaded the mere thought of it.

After becoming a super for months already, through the incredible wealth that was available to her, she was able to buy her way up rapidly.

And with experts like Aaron, Legolas, and Altan who knew the stuff expertly guiding her, she was able to cut a lot of corners which was the only reason why she progressed so fast but now she could no longer progress as fast.

She didn't care about this problem much though, at this moment, she already attained a level that she never dared think she could achieve before.

Even her father's main bodyguard who only agreed to work for them because of Governor Bam's special plea was a Grade D Pugilist, this alone was enough to tell her how much she had grown since making contact with the Hermit's gathering.

She was grateful for everything every single time that she thought of it.

Thud! Thud!

Badump! Badump!

At this moment, even without closing her eyes, one of her passive abilities was active as she could feel and hear all the sounds outside her room.

She could feel the thudding steps as servants gently walked across the mansion engaging in different tasks, she could also feel Elizabeth's heart beats.

Having took time to master it from inside her room, she could already recognize different heart beats.

Through them, she could read emotions, she could know if there was an intruder, if the person was sad, happy, or even came with evil intentions. Like they said, the heart was the way to the mind and the mind was the way to the soul.

Though when he gave the missions, the Hermit did not sound urgent. To Sophia, for a person of His stature, it was unbefitting to sound urgent.

What may seem casual to Him may prove lethal to all humans.

This was why she took her orders with urgency.

'If the Hermit instructed me to actively get any information about the royal family, then it definitely means that something would go down soon'.

'I can't slack this time'.

She stood up and called out. "Elizabeth!"

Her beautiful maid entered the room. "Lady Sophia, you called".

"I need you to go to my office today, you'll take care of things in my place today".

"Huh?" Her maid was clearly puzzled.

"I have other matters to take care of, now move". She shooed her away.

Though she was puzzled, having gotten used to the lady's eccentricities over the last few months, she did not complain and went to fulfill the order.

Months ago, after becoming a Grade E Earth Elementalist, Sophia finally decided to open a business company that dealt in supers material business.

Sophie's Empire was another reason why she was always the main member of the Hermit's gathering who was most active during every transaction session.

As soon as Elizabeth left, Sophia donned her brown custom-made attire. With this attire, she already snuck out of the mansion numerous times without alerting her parents to go train her abilities in the outside world.

5 minutes later…

After the assassination attempt on his life, Mr. Keane apart from augmenting the defense of his mansion also created a special office for himself.

He no longer followed his merchant group physically for business trades.

On the corridor leading to the special office, Mr. Davies, Mr. Keane's personal assistant walked through with documents in his hands towards the office.

"Earth Elementalist Ability: Earth Shift!"

He barely heard the whisper before the earth shifted.

Mr. Davies was shocked the next moment as he was no longer facing forward, the ground where he stepped on moved on its own volition as it dragged him closer to the wall while also making him to face the wall.

This was when he saw the figure on brown clothes that hid in the wall.

"Mr. Davies, it's me". Sophia gave an awkward smile.

Sophia didn't know a better way to do this so she was straightforward.

"Actually, I'm an Elementalist".

"I need your help with something".

"I know". Mr. Davis was calm was he saw the culprit.

"Huh?" Sophia was stunned.

"Did you think your father could really be fooled for so long?"

"Your sudden increased interest in super-related matters, your sudden fanatism and need for super materials, and your little daily shenanigans to train your powers, did you think they all escaped your father's notice?"

"…" Sophia was speechless.

Mr. Davies smiled. "Follow me, he will speak with you".

A few seconds later, they were both in Mr. Keane's office. Seeing the both of them together, Mr. Keane raised his eyebrows as he looked at his assistant.

Mr. Davies only shrugged.

"Ahem…" Sophia cleared her throat. "Dad, I need your help with something".

"Actually, I'm an Elementalist".

Mr. Keane's eyes widened in understanding. "Does that explain your blatant way of spying and listening on our conversations?"


"Ahh…, cough…" Sophia coughed violently.

Mr. Keane laughed. "What do you want?"

Sophia no longer beat around the bush, once she knew that her father was aware all along, everything became easier. She told him what she wanted.

Mr. Keane showed concern. "What I'm about to tell you is confidential information, I hope your secret organization is a good one".

"…" Sophia's eyes widened.

"You also thought that would escape my notice?" He chuckled.

The next moment, his face turned serious. "According to my sources, the leaders and powerhouses of our Planet have made a decision".

"They've decided that King Tom is no longer fit to rule our planet".

Sophia's eyes widened, she filled in the blanks. "A coup?!"

Her father nodded subtly.

"Thank you, dad, I really appreciate this".

"Also, rest assured, my organization is not an evil one". She smiled cutely.

On returning to her room, she knelt and prayed to the Hermit.

Altan walked around his home as he arranged everything that he needed.

Jeldia held her little son in her embrace as she slowly caressed his head, she already had an idea of what he was about to do and she felt sad.

"Do you really need to go?"

Altan turned to look at his wife, he didn't answer, he continued packing.

A few minutes later, he was done as he stood up and walked towards her. He rubbed his little son on the head and kissed him.

"I'll miss you kiddo".

He stood up again and motioned to give his wife a parting kiss.

Jeldia rejected him as tears streamed down her eyes. "I hope deep inside your heart of stone, you still remember the notion of family".

"I hope you succeed and it makes you happy".

She turned to look at him one last time with tear-filled eyes. "I hope you finally find some purpose after you finish serving your god".

Altan raised a hand to pat her for comfort but he paused, the next moment he grabbed his bag and turned around to leave.

"You'll understand what I'm doing after I succeed".

He left his parting words before embarking on his journey deep into the desert fearlessly.

As soon as Legolas felt his grey apple tattoo pulse, he left what he was doing and isolated himself from his students before tapping it.

Sophia's gentle and mesmerizing voice floated into his ears.

After listening to everything, Legolas's eyes widened. 'A coup? There was no indication of this in my previous life'.

He frowned, things were slowly spiraling out of his prediction and control. The ripple effects of his reincarnation were affecting the progression of events more than he expected, he could no longer predict things as accurately as before.

'Also, Richard left back to the Pugilist Academy headquarters when he was currently supposed to be on leave'. Legolas' eyes narrowed in suspicion.

After practicing with her abilities for months, Sophia detected some abnormalities in her brother and she did not hold back from informing the Hermit.

After he was informed, Legolas reflected back to his meeting with this man and remembered that he was the only one whom his virtual interface didn't inform of a favorability increase which made his eyebrows rise then.

He made Sophia spy on her.

With the recent developments, his sudden movement drew his suspicion.

He stood up the next moment. As Christensen got prepared to go fulfill the Hermit's mission, he went to meet Blade. "Get ready, we'll be leaving soon".


"To the West".

Blade no longer asked, he stood up and got ready to leave.

As soon as Christensen left to the North, they embarked on a journey to the Western Continent where the Pugilist Academy had their headquarters.josei


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