Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080 Andrew and Ada’s Parentage

It was less than half a minute from when the bell rang until the three servants came in. Kisa wondered if they lived next door and paid constant attention to the bell.

“Ma’am, are you hungry?”

“Do you feel unwell?”

“Ma’am, how about I get some food for you?” The servants walked out as she spoke.

Kisa stopped her hurriedly. She held her forehead and asked the three servants,” When was this bell installed?”

“Ma’am, Mrs. Kooper Sr. asked someone to install it immediately after she read the newspaper. Besides, the mat in the bathroom and other furnishings in this room were all ordered by Mrs. Kooper Sr. and arranged after she learned you were pregnant.”

Kisa shook her head. She said resignedly, “Alright, I got it. You may leave now.”

“Ma’am, is there anything we can do for you?”


“We’re leaving. Ma’am, you can ring the bell if you need anything. We’re living just right next to you.”

Kisa closed her eyes speechlessly, “Okay, I got it.”

‘Jeez! All this fuss was made over the pregnancy? Madalyn ignored it when I was pregnant six years ago. She didn’t even leave a single servant for me to allow Gilbert and me to spend time together. Gilbert was always never at home at that time. I lived alone in this big house, and I never saw her worry

for me. Besides, she already has two great–grandchildren. Why does she seem more nervous about the kid in my belly?

Downstairs, George said to Madalyn, “Madam, aren’t you being overly nervous? Ma’am is just pregnant.”

“You don’t understand. I didn’t witness the birth and growth of Andrew and Ada during the years when I was in a coma. I feel so much regret whenever I think about it. So, I absolutely cannot miss the birth and growth of my beloved great–grandchild this time.

“Moreover, I always felt this woman had malicious intentions, so she suddenly made up with Gilbert. I’m afraid she’ll use the child in her belly to threaten Gilbert. So, although she’s only pregnant, I still have to watch over her and ensure Gilbert’s child is safe.”

George nodded to show he understood. He asked quizzically after a while, “By the way, who is the mom of Andrew and Ada? I’ve never seen Master Gilbert mention it for so many years.”

Madalyn’s eyes flickered instantly, ‘It seems even George doesn’t know about Andrew and Ada’s parentage. Gilbert has really hidden it well.’

Madalyn covered her mouth, cleared her throat, and said, “In fact, it doesn’t matter who the mom of the two children is. Gilbert was drunk at that time. So he had sexual relations with that woman unconsciously. Later, the woman got pregnant with Gilbert’s child. She wanted to make use of this and force Gilbert to marry her.”

“I preferred Kisa, and you knew Kisa was also pregnant at that time. So, I made Kisa marry Gilbert and sorted that woman out with money. I paid that woman a large amount of money to leave Calthon after giving birth, but in return, the child would belong to Kooper’s family.”

“Oh…I see!” George suddenly realized, “No wonder Davian came back with a baby boy and a baby girl without their mom on that year’s New Year’s Eve. It seems their mom really left Calthon after giving birth. I have never seen their mom back and make trouble after all these years.”

Kisa stood at the stairs, listened quietly to the conversation between George and Madalyn, and felt herself go stiff.

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