Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138 The Daughter-In-Law of The Kooper Family

Gilbert stayed quiet, and the only sound in the room was the sound of Kisa eating. Kisa felt that the atmosphere was getting even more awkward and depressing as she ate. She swallowed the food and asked, “Why did you show up here?” After their fight, their relationship became a little tense. She did not know what to say to him at that moment. Gilbert looked at his phone with his head down and said, “I’ll tell you when you finish your food.”

Kisa pursed her lips and stopped talking. She lowered her head and continued eating breakfast. She finished her toast, bacon, and eggs and got up to clean the dishes, ignoring the man beside him. Gilbert watched her grab the plates and got up to follow her into the kitchen after a while. Leaning against the door, he saw her washing the dishes in silence. After Kisa was done, he suddenly said, “Come back to the Kooper residence with me later.”

Kisa froze when she was in the middle of putting the plates away. “No, I’m fine here,” she said softly. She had already searched David’s room and found the clues she was looking for. There was no need for her to go back to the Kooper residence.

“What do you mean you’re fine here?” Gilbert sneered. “Everyone knows that you are the daughter-in- law of the Kooper family. There were lots of noise about your ‘miscarriage, and now you’ve suddenly moved back to your single apartment. What would the media say about me? What about the Kooper family?”

Kisa lowered her gaze, holding the sides of the plate tightly. Turns out he’s just here because his reputation and family name are at stake.’ She pursed her lips and calmly said, “You know that the miscarriage’ was fake. I just wanted to teach Sharon a lesson.”

“But, the media doesn’t know that. They would only say that I’m a heartless and ungrateful human being and that the Kooper family only cares about the child in your belly, not you. You must return to

the Kooper residence, so our reputation won’t be tarnished.” Kisa took a short breath and said coolly, “Alright, I’ll go back to the Kooper residence.” novelbin

‘Didn’t he think that I would take revenge on him? Why would he still want me to go back to the Kooper residence? Isn’t he afraid that I will secretly trick him?”

After tidying up the house briefly, Gilbert took Kisa back to the Kooper residence. When she returned home, Madalyn’s face darkened. It just so happened that the servant was cleaning up the non-slip mat they had laid in the bathroom before. Seeing this, Gilbert said softly, “Just leave it.”

“Why?! The child is gone!” Madalyn said in a muffled voice with a hint of distress. It seemed that Madalyn still did not know that Kisa’s pregnancy was fake.

‘That’s weird,’ Kisa thought. ‘Christopher went through all that trouble to draw my blood. There’s no way he wouldn’t use it. Why is there still no news about my fake pregnancy? She then asked Madalyn, “I read the news this morning, and it seems you have withdrawn the lawsuit. Why?”

There was no doubt that Madalyn had looked forward to the ‘child’ in Kisa’s womb. Now that the ‘child’ was gone, Madalyn’s grief was real. When they were at the hospital, Madalyn was so angry that she wanted to kill Sharon right then and there. Hence, the sudden retraction of the lawsuit was a strange move. But, Madalyn did not answer her question. “I can withdraw the lawsuit however I want. Why would I have to consult you about it?”

Kisa’s face darkened. “I don’t care what you do, but I lost my ‘child’ because of Sharon. How could you forgive her on behalf of me?!”

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