Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 657

Chapter 657

Chapter 657

Chapter 657 Head-On Collision with the Chicken

Mia's eyes widened, and as she looked over, she saw it was a woman in her fifties.

The woman had a face like thunder. "This chicken is mine. Give it to me."

"Heh, what a joke! Does this chicken have your name written on it?

Finders keepers. Get away from me. You think I'm afraid of you just because you are fat?" Mia was fearless as she shook off the woman's hand.

The woman would not let up and continued tugging the chicken. "I have had my eye on this chicken for a long time. The shopkeeper hadn't had the time to get it for me. Give it to me."

Mia held the chicken in her arms. "You should have grabbed it earlier if you wanted it. Since I have my hand on it now, it is mine. You go away."

The woman refused to back down, and the two went straight to fighting over it. The store was already crowded with people, and it was even more chaotic when they fought. Kisa was worried Blake would be knocked over, so she took him to the cashier's area. She told Blake to wait there before she went to help Mia. At this time, the woman, who must have used quite a lot of strength, suddenly yanked away the poor chicken in Mia's hand, leaving behind a handful of feathers in Mia's hands. The chicken was flying and shrieking like mad, probably from the pain.

As the bird flew in Kisa's direction, everyone, including Kisa, scrambled to dodge. In the chaos, she was pushed forward and looked as if she was going to have a head-on collision with the chicken. She was about to fall, but there was no time to think; she immediately covered her face with her hands.

Right then, a hand wrapped around her waist and drew her into a stiff embrace. Kisa lowered her hands and saw a man wearing a mask and hat hugging her with one hand and holding a chicken

securely in the other. She could make from the eyes and forehead of the man that he was Jensen. She breathed a sigh of relief and stood back up.

Mia ran over and glanced at the chicken in Jensen's hand and grunted at the woman, "This chicken is mine, and no one is going to take it away from me."

The woman was indignant and came up, trying to grab the chicken from Jensen. But she faltered when Jensen shot her a stern look.

She looked at the chicken indignantly, still unwilling to give up.But she was more afraid of Jensen's eyes. She shot a glare at Mia and finally left reluctantly.

Mia grunted, then happily took the chicken from Jensen's hand.

Jensen glanced at the scratch marks on the back of her hand and said, "Is a chicken that important?"

"This chicken is the best, and I bought it for you," Mia said casually as she took the chicken to the butcher.

Jensen glanced at her, and when he withdrew his eyes, he looked unruffled. "What about you? Are you hurt?" he asked Kisa.

Kisa shook her head. "It is lucky that you are here. Otherwise, the woman might have snatched the chicken from us."

Jensen shook his head helplessly. "I can't believe it."

In the crowd, Gracie looked at Kelvin with surprise. "Why are you filming Kisa?"

"It has its uses." Kelvin admired the video he had just filmed, then put his arm around Gracie and went to the seafood store. ''Since we are shopping for Christmas Eve, we can buy more."

"Are we going to say hello to Kisa?"

"No, no, we will meet them next time. There is always an opportunity. Let's hurry up and do the Christmas shopping."

Gilbert was holding Kelvin's phone in the Kooper residence, his eyes staring at the photos inside.

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