Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Chapter 736 Secret Child

‘Isn’t that David? Adrien showed me a photo of Mom and David before. Isn’t that him?‘

Kisa quickly took the photo out of the album and turned to the back. It was no surprise that David’s name was on there. Emilia’s stiff and expressionless face in the photo with David at the beginning had turned into a gentle smile. It was clear that her mom had fallen in love with David in the end.

From the photo, Kisa also noticed that the bracelet her mother wore was now dangling on David’s wrists.

‘Mom must have really liked him to have given him one of her prized possessions,‘ she thought. ‘But where is David now? Is there still a misunderstanding between them?‘

Kisa had always felt uneasy about all the regrets in their relationship. She leaned against the chair, feeling troubled.

‘Regardless of whether David is alive or not, I must find him. I must resolve the misunderstanding between him and Mom.‘ Kisa did not want her mother to still be misunderstood by her beloved after she died.

Then, she put away the photo album and picked up her mother’s diary. She flipped through the pages quickly.

More than half of the diary was blurry, and only a few pages could be read. She turned to pages with clearer handwriting and saw:

[Dear diary, the air in the countryside is great. When I woke up this morning, everything was beautiful. I know the outside world is chaotic right now, and the rumors about me in the entertainment circle are

flying around everywhere. But that’s okay. I’m not scared. David is here with me, and I’m not scared of anything, as long as he’s here.]

[Dear diary, it’s been four months since I left the entertainment industry. Life in the countryside is beautiful and quiet, but I can’t help but miss the fulfillment of finishing a shoot. There are only a few months left before I get to go back. I’m so happy!]

[Dear diary, I’m getting clumsier and weaker by the day. Everything I do tires me easily. Thankfully, David is here with me. He cares about me to the point that he’s not taking care of the company. He keeps telling me that he feels sorry that I must stay in the countryside, but I don’t think it’s that bad and I don’t blame him for it. I made this decision myself. He said he would marry me when everything was stable. I smiled and said that I would wait for him.]

[Dear diary, I woke up today with a pain in my stomach. I panicked and quickly called David…]

The words started becoming vague and speculative after

that. Kisa flipped the pages again, but everything was unclear and ambiguous. She looked at the pages she had just read and frowned suspiciously.

‘Did mom leave the entertainment industry for a while? How have I never heard of this? Clumsy? Weak? Stomach pain? What does all this mean?‘

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat when she thought about one of the possibilities. She quickly took out her mobile phone and searched for the news about her mother.

[GK Celebrity, Emilia Becker: Missing, Suspected to Be Hiding in the Countryside to Give Birth in Secret]

[Celebrity Emilia Becker Has Been Missing for a Year and Is Suspected to Have a Child Out of Wedlock]

[Breaking News: Emilia Becker’s Chaotic Private Life. Pregnant Before Marriage and Gave Birth to a Secret Child ]

All the news that Kisa found were rumors about her

mother having a secret birth. Kisa was terrified when she saw it. Combined with the content of the diary she just saw, she felt even more horrified.

‘Did mom really have a child with David? Did she really secretly give birth to that child? But where is that child now? Are they still alive?‘

Kisa could hardly believe what she had read. Her mother had never told her about any of this.

‘Who else knows about this apart from mom and David?

Who is that child? C–could it be… Could it be Jensen?‘

Kisa was in turmoil and could not help but scream in panic frustration.

Suddenly, the door pushed open, and Gilbert rushed into the room.

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