Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1015

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1015

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1015

Chapter 1015 Gilbert is Shy

Gilbert pulled Kisa over to his desk just as she walked into the CEO’s office.

“What’s up?” Kisa looked at him in surprise.

Gilbert pushed a stack of documents in front of her and said with a smile, “Sign this for me so that we can leave early.”

Davian was sitting at the coffee table, sorting out other documents. He smiled at Kisa when he heard their conversation. “Oh yes, Mrs. Kooper, you can help. There are so many things going on lately-the acquisition of J & K Film Group and the internal affairs of GK. Mr. Kooper and I are up to our necks in paperwork.”

“But, I’m not familiar with GK’s business. I’m afraid-”

“It’s just signing documents. It’s easy,” Gilbert said, pulling a chair over for her.

Speaking of signing documents, it reminded her of the documents that Shaun had just asked her to sign. So she asked Gilbert, “Is my signature valid?”

“You are my wife, and Davian is my special assistant. Your signatures are valid as long as they are stamped.”

Kisa nodded her head. She previously thought that if her signature was valid, she could then sign GK’s documents at will. But, it turned out that she still had to get it stamped. So, she thought that Shaun would probably have to go to Gilbert and have him sign the document again. She did not mention the document again at the thought of this.

Gilbert handed her a pen. “What are you thinking about? Sign it for me. After this, I’ll take you out to dinner.”

Kisa took the pen and sneered, “Do I look like I want you to take me out to dinner?”

Gilbert sat down across from her and said with a straight face, “It’s not for you. It’s for me. I just want to have a quiet, romantic dinner with you-just you and me.”

Davian could not help but grimace in disgust at those words. He regretted coming in and becoming a third wheel watching them get lovey-dovey as if there was no one else around. He took a tissue, rolled it into two small heaps, and stuffed them into his ears. That way, no matter how loud they show their affection, it would not affect him.

Kisa flipped the document open, and after signing in two places, she suddenly looked up. “Are you so comfortable with letting me sign these documents that you’re not afraid that I will see GK’s secrets?”

“You can look all you want as long as you are interested,” he replied without looking

at her.

Kisa stared at him skeptically, wondering why he acted as if she was more important than GK and if he was trying to make her drop her guard on purpose. In any case, she would not dare to make reckless moves to seize GK again. Otherwise, she might fall into his trap. Kisa just wanted to find out about her mother’s history with Adrien first, in case she and Gilbert had a fallout in the future and she had no chance to go back to the Kooper family. She also wondered when Gilbert would get the keys to the two rooms. She could not help but look at him again at the thought of this.

As though Gilbert sensed her gaze, he looked up at her. “What’s wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Nothing.” Kisa smiled wickedly. “You are so good-looking that I can’t take my eyes off you.”

Gilbert was not used to her flattery behavior because Kisa had never said such a thing before. He blushed as if he was shy. “Don’t be a smart*ss. Get serious.” With that, he looked down again.

Kisa stared at him curiously. ‘This isn’t quite right. He is obviously blushing. He is not shy, is he? But, it’s a known fact that he is good-looking, and it’s not like the media and his fans haven’t complimented him like that before. So, why would he be shy? Besides, a man like Gilbert is so mean and cold. Can he even be capable of being shy?’ She thought as she leaned on the desk and tilted her head to look at him.

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