Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1020

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1020

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020 Their Deaths are All Your Fault

As Gilbert lifted the white cloth covering the bed, the other white cloth on the wall also dropped, revealing a large wedding photo in front of their eyes.

It was the wedding photo of Damon and Cynthia. Damon was in a suit, looking elegant, and Cynthia was in a wedding dress with light makeup and a sweet smile on her face. The two of them were a perfectly matched couple. Their clean, simple smiles signified their happiness.

Looking at the wedding photo, Kisa was almost certain that Damon and Cynthia were in love with each other, and that there was no room for her mother to get in the way. She wondered how such a happy and loving couple could die in a car accident. Sorrow and regret filled Kisa’s heart as she looked at the two people in the wedding photo.

Gilbert stared at the wedding photo. His eyes went bloodshot, and his body tensed


Kisa cautiously tugged at him. “Gilbert, come on. Let’s go. Otherwise, your Grandma-


Before Kisa could finish her sentence, Gilbert swatted her aside. She fell straight to the ground, and she hit her head–on the edge of the window. It hurt her so much that she saw starbursts. But at that moment, Gilbert suddenly covered his head in pain and hissed in a hoarse, strained voice.

“Who are they? W–Why do I feel like I’m remembering them and then somehow not? Who the hell are they? Who can tell me who they are?” Gilbert hissed, suddenly bursting into tears.

Kisa was so shocked that she could not care less about the pain in her forehead. She scrambled to her feet and hugged him with all her might. “Gilbert, don’t do this. Calm down. Just stop thinking about it if you can’t remember. Just stop thinking about it if it is too painful.”

All of a sudden, the door was pushed open, and Kisa was shocked to see Madalyn walking toward her with a walking stick. Madalyn’s face was grim. She came and yanked her away with force, then slapped her hard in the face. Madalyn must have hated and loathed her very much. Otherwise, she would not have mustered such strength at her age.

Kisa was smacked to the floor, and her ears were ringing from the slap. She could

faintly hear Madalyn hissing at her.

“It’s all your fault. Their deaths were all your fault. It was all because of you.”

Kisa thought she must have misheard it. To her knowledge, she was not even born when Damon and Cynthia got into a car accident.

Gilbert fainted. Madalyn and George hurriedly had the live–in maids get Gilbert downstairs.

Kisa got up from the floor and looked at the wedding photo. The woman in the wedding photo was smiling with her eyes arching like a crescent moon, appearing so bright that they looked as if they were filled with stars, and her face was brimming with happiness. The woman must have been a very gentle person when she was alive. Kisa looked at the woman, as her eyes welled up. She felt as if the woman was smiling at her, comforting her, and asking her if it hurt. Kisa pursed her lips, as tears streamed down her face and sadness overwhelmed her. If Gilbert’s parents were still alive, she and Gilbert might not be in this situation today. If Gilbert had grown up under the care of such a gentle woman, he would not have developed this sullen and cold personality.

Kisa silently put the white cloth back in place. Then, she came out of Damon and Cynthia’s room and closed the door behind her. Instead of going downstairs in a hurry, she took the keys and proceeded to open the other locked room.

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