Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1094

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1094

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094 Kill You and Your Baby

“Heh. Then, you will have to keep your eyes open to see if you can catch me red- handed.”

“Well, I will, and we will see.” Kisa shot Sharon a meaningful smile before heading toward Peter and Jolina.

Sharon stared at Kisa with grim eyes as she went. ‘We will see. Sooner or later, I will kill you and your baby,‘ she said in her mind.

“Why are you so nosy and trying to help that woman? She didn’t even appreciate your kindness, and she stood on Sharon’s side. Don’t hang out with such an ingrate next time.”

Jolina did not want to listen to Peter’s nagging, so she turned around and left.

Peter cursed in exasperation. He caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm. What the hell do you mean by that? I was the one who defended you.”

“Oh, thank you, then,” Jolina said with an expressionless face.

He got even angrier. Just then, Kisa came over, and he glared at her with fiery eyes.‘ How dare you come here? My Jolina was trying to help you, but you stood on Sharon’s side. Who do you think my Jolina is to you?”

“That’s enough. Stop it.” Jolina pushed Peter away, feeling frustrated. ‘What does he mean by his Jolina?‘ She hated the tone of his voice and the things he said.

Kisa looked at Jolina, and Jolina reached out to take Kisa’s hand.

Peter tried to stop her, but Jolina shot him a look, then went over to Kisa and took her arm. “Let’s go over there and talk.”

Kisa nodded her head. She glanced at Peter with mixed emotions before following Jolina to a quiet corner.

Peter clenched his hands at his sides, feeling indignant with a tinge of indescribable bitterness. Because of that night, Jolina had never smiled at him again. It was because of that incident that they drifted further and further apart. He had done everything to please her, to make up for her, and to beg her, but she remained as indifferent to him like a stranger. Later, he became so fed up that he started to use force and even mistreated her. But, she still showed him no emotion other than indifference and disgust. Such a sense of powerlessness almost drove him crazy. He stared sullenly at Jolina standing in the corner for a long time before turning around and leaving in a huff.

Kisa glanced at Peter as he left and asked Jolina, “How are you and Peter doing?”

“It’s still the same. In fact, I would prefer to forget about the past. I really hope he won’t come looking for me again,” Jolina said faintly.

Kisa pursed her lips, as she decided not to speak up for Peter.

Not wanting to talk about herself either, Jolina asked Kisa, “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you feel discomfort in your tummy?”

Kisa shook her head and laughed. “I’m fine. By the way, weren’t you mad at me when I apologized to Sharon?”

Jolina shook her head. “Of course not. I just don’t understand it. It was clear that she was the one who was trying to harm you.”

“I know it’s her. But, without definitive proof, there is not much we can do about her.”

“Then, should she be tolerated like this all the time? Wouldn’t she act with impunity, then?”

“She won’t.” Kisa sneered. “She will still try to harm the ‘child‘ in my womb. But, when the time comes, she will be punished for what she deserves.”

“Then, isn’t the baby in your belly in danger?” Jolina was still worried.

“Don’t worry. It’s fine because I’m not pregnant at all.”

“What?” Christopher suddenly came out of nowhere.

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