Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1104

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1104

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104 Do You Think I Will Let You Go?

Kisa spun around and saw that Shaun had already closed the door Her heart sank, and she asked in an Icy voice, “What is the meaning of this?”

Shaun smiled and slowly walked toward her “Nothing. Don’t worry, Mrs. Kooper Sit down and eat something. Don’t starve your baby”

Kisa took a step back subconsciously Judging by Shaun’s attitude, she knew that Jensen was definitely not here. She just did not know why Shaun had tricked her into coming here Is it for the ‘baby’ in my womb? When he mentioned the baby just now, his voice reeked of a sinister tone’ She was quietly relieved that she was not pregnant If all he wanted was to harm the baby in her womb, then she was not worried

“Where is Jensen? Didn’t you say Jensen was showing signs of waking up?”

“What’s the rush? Let’s have a candlelight dinner first,” Shaun said, and he went to pull her.

Kisa saw it coming and instantly dodged to the side. “You lied to me. Jensen isn’t even here, is he?” Kisa stared coldly at him.

He snickered, “Yeah, he is not here. Because you don’t deserve to see him.”

“That’s not up to you to decide,” She snorted. “Since Jensen isn’t here, I’m leaving.” She hurried to the door Anticipating that Shaun would come over to catch her, she ran. But Shaun, who was taller, could run much faster than her. Before she could reach the door, he grabbed her by the collar from behind.

“It took me a while to get you here Do you think I will let you go?” Shaun sneered and took her back to the dining table

He was strong, and Kisa did not dare to fight back. She just coldly asked him, “What do you want? Are you going to force me to work with you against Gilbert?”

“Heh. I know you are an ungrateful and heartless woman, so I have no intention of relying on you,” he said, as he threw her directly on the chair at the dining table. He then sat down beside her. “I tricked you into coming just to have a candlelight dinner with you.”

Kisa snickered and looked at him. “Have a candlelight dinner with me?”

She did not think that Shaun was interested in her. His hostility and disgust for her were apparent. He was most likely up to no good by preparing this candlelight dinner.

Shaun offered her a glass of red wine. Then, as if he remembered something, he chuckled. “Ahh, I forgot. you’re pregnant with Mr. Kooper’s child.” With that, he gave her a glass of juice instead. novelbin

Kisa had no intention of eating the food, as there was no way to know if the food and juice were

poisoned. She looked at Shaun coldly “What the hell do you want?”

He smiled with a strange expression. “I will let you go after you finish this meal with me.”

The more he said that, the more Kisa felt that something was wrong with the food. She pushed the juice

away. “In that case, I will sit here with you all night, so we can talk about business.”

“Heh!” Shaun snorted. “You’re very alert. Are you really afraid that I will harm your baby?”

Kisa did not say a word.

Shaun suddenly got up and grabbed her jaw.

She was shocked, subconsciously raising her hands to fight back. But, it was to no avail. He picked up the

glass of juice and was about to force it down her throat. She clenched her teeth and closed her mouth. However, Shaun was surprisingly strong, clutching her so hard that it hurt her so much. She felt as though he was going to crush her jaw.

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