Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1114

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1114

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114 Set-up

Kisa watched out for Sharon throughout the day. She even asked Jolina and Ariella to keep an eye on her.’ I must get back at her this time,’ she thought. Otherwise, she would never be afraid of me. However, Sharon was very well-behaved the whole day. She did not even approach Kisa once. During their lunch break, Jolina went to Kisa and said in a low voice, “I just took some pictures of Sharon.”

“What kind of pictures?” Kisa hurriedly asked as her eyes lit up. Jolina glanced at Sharon and saw that she was far away from them, so she took out her phone and showed it to Kisa. Jolina had taken a picture of Sharon talking to one of the cleaners behind a bush. She even successfully took a video of them. In the video, Sharon handed a black bucket to the cleaner. They did not know what was inside the bucket, but it was clear that Sharon was trying to pull a stunt.

“Great job, Jolina. Do you have any more scenes later? Kisa smiled at her and asked.

“Not today,” Jolina replied.

“Okay. Can you help me look out for that cleaner in the video? Remember to be careful.”

“Sure thing.” Jolina nodded solemnly. She had a serious look on her face as if she had received a major responsibility. Kisa patted her head amusedly as she thought, Jolina is such a nice person. She’s so warm and kind. How could Peter have the heart to hurt her?”

Kisa had a lot of scenes that afternoon. However, the director had arranged stunt doubles for all her dangerous parts in the show. So, she was not that tired after a whole day of filming. The director added. several scenes to shoot that day with the purpose of filming all of Sharon’s scenes in one day. After filming her scenes, the film would be done in a couple of days. ‘I’ll have some time to go to the Mullen residence in Athadale after we finish filming in the next few days,” Kisa thought.

It was evening when they wrapped the scenes up. The sky was not completely dark yet. The director pulled Sharon aside and praised her for her work that day. Kisa took the opportunity to meet up with Jolina. “So? Did the cleaner do anything?”

“She did,” Jolina nodded and played a video for Kisa to watch. In the video, the cleaner ran into Kisa’s fitting room with the black bucket that Sharon had given to her. She then dumped its contents on the floor. From the video, it looked like gasoline. “What are we going to do now, Kisa? Are we going to use the evidence we got to expose them?”

“That’s not enough. We have to make sure that they cause actual harm before they can be punished. Otherwise, all of this is not convincing enough,” Kisa sneered.

“How do we do that?” Jolina asked curiously.

Kisa leaned into her ear and whispered. Jolina’s eyes then widened slowly as she nodded in understanding. Then, she looked at Kisa’s stomach in concern and asked, “Are you really not pregnant,


“Yeah, I’m not pregnant.” After hearing Kisa’s reply, Jolina was relieved and quickly walked to the storage room for the props.

‘Oh, Kisa, I’m finally done with my scenes. Keep up the good work, guys,” Sharon came over and said as soon as Jolina left. “Hehe, the director pulled me aside just now to praise me for my good acting skills and diligence. He also mentioned that you’re not a good actor and that your facial expressions look so fake. Tsk. It’s clear that you’re still below me, Kisa.”

“Yeah, yeah. Are you done?” Kisa nodded casually and asked with a smile. “If you are, I’m going to get changed in the dressing room. Do you know how nice grandma has been to me since I was pregnant


Gilbert’s child? She wants me to go home on time every day because she prepares all kinds of expensive food and supplements for me. Otherwise, her precious great-grandchild would get hungry.”

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