Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1216

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1216

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1216

Chapter 1216 Who Doesn’t Want to Watch Something Fun?

Kisa stared at the photo inside the crystal pendant. Then, she fell into deep thought.

‘Since that young man is Mr. Mullen Sr.’s grandson, I might stand a chance if I approach him. But, there are so many people at the banquet. I don’t even know if I’ll get the chance to meet him,’ she thought.

Then, she turned to look at the massive villa in front of her.

The villa was several stories high and built on a large plot of land.

‘I heard everyone in the Mullen family stays in this house because Mr. Mullen Sr. likes a lively environment. Besides, his sons are always finding ways to butter him up. That’s why everyone scrambled to stay with him as if they were worried that they’d missed the opportunity to curry favor with him. There are so many of them staying together, yet his few sons are not from the same mother. Needless to say, this big family must be pretty complicated. I wonder if they’ll agree to let an outsider like me stay here,’ Kisa thought.

While Kisa was thinking to herself restlessly, she suddenly heard a discussion beside her.

“I heard Anthony Mullen brought a plain Jane with him to attend the banquet.”

“Really? Which celebrity is she? Or, is she a micro-influencer?”

“Neither. I heard that she’s a barmaid at a bar.”

Kisa froze.

‘A barmaid? Lea? Did Anthony bring Lea to the banquet? What was he thinking? Does he actually have some feelings for Lea?’ she wondered.

“Huh? A barmaid. That’s impossible. Weren’t his mother called lowly for being a showgirl at a bar? Why would he ask a barmaid to be his dance partner? Isn’t he embarrassing himself?”

“Who knows? Maybe the lowly person coincidentally hit it off with another lowly person.”

“Shush! Don’t say that. Even though Anthony was birthed by that showgirl, he’s still Mr. Mullen Sr.’s son and a young master in the Mullen family. He’s a nobody, but he’s still somebody compared to us, so we better not piss him off.”

“So what? He’s as submissive as a dog in front of his brothers. I wonder what Ms. Reyes sees in Anthony. Come to think of it, Ms. Reyes is from a prestigious family.”

“I know, right? The thing is, Anthony actually doesn’t like Ms. Reyes and has taken a fancy to a showgirl instead. Ms. Reyes was furious. Earlier, I heard Ms. Reyes say that she was going to teach that showgirl a lesson.”

Kisa felt her heart clench. She quickly took out her phone and dialed Lea’s number.

She wanted to remind Lea to be careful. However, no one answered the phone even after she called a few times.

‘Did she not hear her phone ringing because it’s too noisy at the banquet?’ she wondered.

“Ms. Reyes has already made a move. I saw her slapping that showgirl just now. By the way, that showgirl looks so pitiful. It’s no wonder that men like her.”

Hearing this, Kisa panicked even more. She shot up and dashed to the few women. “Who’s this Ms. Reyes that you speak of? Where is she?”

The few women were startled by her voice.

However, they were women from high society, after all. All of them were up on their high horses and refused to speak to her.

Kisa’s expression grew cold. Then, she slowly asked, “Where in the world is she teaching that barmaid a lesson?”

Kisa had always looked a little icy when she did not smile.

Now that she had darkened her expression, she instantly exuded a suffocating vibe.

A woman in a luxurious dress and delicate makeup smiled and said, “Why? Do you also want to watch the fun?”

“Yeah. Who doesn’t want to watch something fun? Where are they?”

“Hoho. Alright, then. Come with us. We’ll take you there. Coincidentally, we’d like to watch the fun too.”

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