Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1228

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1228

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1228

Chapter 1228 Why Are You Holding Your Stomach

Karen was not happy. “Aunty…”

The old lady’s face darkened. “What? Do you want him to bring your family down? You

probably don’t know it yet, but the Kooper family is extremely powerful. Trust me; you’ll

regret it if you don’t apologize this instant.”

Karen had never apologized to anyone before in her life. She put her hands together and

looked at Anthony as if she was asking for help. But, he ignored her. Jane then

whispered, “It’s okay, Karen. Just apologize to them. It’s just two words.”

“Aunty Jane…”

“Be good. Go and apologize. Otherwise, things would be difficult for you and Anthony if

you don’t make peace with them.”

“Okay,” Karen nodded and walked up to Kisa and Lea. “I’m Sorry,” she snorted at Kisa.

Kisa pursed her lips and sneered, “That’s what you call an apology? Also, apologize to

my friend, not me.”

Karen glared at her coldly and looked at Lea. Her eyes were full of contempt as she

reluctantly said, “I’m sorry.”

“Louder!” Kisa snorted.

Karen gritted her teeth and spoke up. “I’m sorry!”

“Let’s end this here and have some fun. Don’t ruin the atmosphere of this banquet,” the

old lady smiled at everyone and said.

Slowly, the crowd started to disperse.

Jane tugged at Anthony’s arm and said, “Don’t just stand here. Go dance with Ms.


“Yeah, Anthony. Let’s go dance,” said Karen as she held onto his arm and smiled.

Anthony cast a deep glance at Lea and went with Karen. Lea stared fixedly at the man’s

back, and her eyes blurred with tears.

Soon, everyone was off to enjoy themselves. With Jane’s support, the old lady walked to

Gilbert and said with a smile, “Enjoy the banquet, Mr.

Kooper. Excuse me while I go take a rest.”

Gilbert nodded lightly. The old lady turned around as Jane and Carrie supported her.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed slightly as if she remembered something. Her gaze

revealed a hint of hatred. She turned to look at Gilbert and sneered, “I wonder if that

uncle of yours is still well and alive.”

Kisa was shocked when she heard that. ‘Is she talking about David?’

Gilbert lowered his gaze and asked, “Why do you ask, Mrs. Mullen Sr.?”

“Oh, I just casually wanted to know. After all, your uncle was a frequent visitor to my

home back then. I haven’t heard from him for many years.

Naturally, I am a little concerned.”

Kisa stared at the old lady’s face without blinking. She could vaguely see a trace of

hatred and resentment in her eyes. ‘I knew David had lived with the Mullen family, but

what kind of grievances could he have with this old lady? Based on their age, she should

be older than him by more than ten years. There’s no way they had an emotional

entanglement. But, why does she resent him? This relationship between David and the

Mullen family is getting more and more mysterious. I must find a way to stay here no

matter what.’

As she was thinking about it, the old lady had walked away with the help of the two novelbin

women. Gilbert stared at her back for a moment, and his eyes were full of doubt.

“Are you okay, Kisa?” Felicity asked worriedly. “Why are you holding your stomach? Is

something wrong?”

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