Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1245

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1245

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1245

Chapter 1245 Back Down

Kisa was stunned. She blinked and asked, “What do you mean? You’re not going to let me stay at your house?”

Arthur was amused. “You have your husband, so why do you still want to stay at my house? By the way, stop lying to me next time. The trust between people is already fragile enough. If you keep lying, no one will believe you in the future.”

“No… Didn’t we agree to let me stay at your house? You can’t go back on your word after getting back your crystal pendant?! No matter how I lied to you, I still did help you find that crystal pendant of yours, didn’t I? Aren’t you turning your back on someone who helped you?”

Seeing Kisa’s angered and panicked expression, Gilbert frowned slightly.

‘She… really looks like she wants to stay over at the Mullen residence. And, it doesn’t seem to be because of Arthur Mullen. But, what’s her motive behind staying at the Mullen residence? What is she trying to do? Why is she always hiding things from me?’ he wondered.

While Gilbert was in deep thought, Mr. Mullen Sr. and his eldest son Albert walked over with Adrien beside them.

“What are you doing over there, Arthur?” Albert shouted at Arthur.

Arthur quickly turned around. “It’s nothing. I’m just chatting with my friend.”

Mr. Mullen Sr., Albert, and Adrien had already walked over while Arthur was responding.

Adrien threw a meaningful glance at Kisa and Gilbert. Then, he smiled at Arthur. “Impressive, Arthur. You’re already friends with Mr. Kooper from Calthon at such a young age. You will go far.”

Albert quickly pulled Arthur aside.

He knew that the Mullen family hated the Kooper family, so he did not want his son getting too

close to them.

When Albert pulled Arthur over, he cautiously glanced at Mr. Mullen Sr.

Mr. Mullen Sr. was not angry. He merely smiled at Arthur and said, “Earlier, you said that your friend wants to stay over at the Mullen residence for a few days. Who is it?”

“This young lady over here,” Arthur said and pointed at Kisa.

Mr. Mullen Sr. instantly narrowed his eyes and stared at Kisa sharply.

“Hoho… How rare. The wife of GK Pictures’s CEO actually wants to stay at my shabby place. Mrs. Kooper, I wonder if it’s because you’re interested in a secret in the Mullen family.”

“Ha-ha, you’re too humble, Mr. Mullen Sr.”

Before Kisa could respond, Gilbert spoke.

“It’s well known that the Mullen residence is the biggest and most lavish villa in Athadale. Even your courtyard is as spectacular as a park. My wife is interested in your spectacular villa and your courtyard’s beautiful scenery. That’s why she wanted to stay over at your place. However, Mr.

Mullen Sr., if it bothers you, then pretend that my wife didn’t bring up this request to your grandson.”

Kisa gripped her palms and felt a little disappointed.

‘How will I learn about David if I can’t stay at the Mullen residence? I can’t be too forceful since Mr. Mullen Sr. is here. Otherwise, I might expose myself,’ she thought.

After giving it some thought, Kisa decided to back down.

She smiled at Mr. Mullen Sr. apologetically and said, “Sorry, I was being too rash. I was so immersed in the beautiful scenery in your courtyard that I forgot that I was merely an outsider. It truly isn’t appropriate for me to stay at your house.”

Arthur peered at Kisa with a frown. He had a feeling that the woman was lying again.

However, he did not expose her. Instead, he stood beside Albert in silence.

Mr. Mullen Sr. touched the sparse stubble under his chin. He seemed rather approachable in a


However, his gaze was incredibly sharp. A glance was enough to tell that he was not someone to be trifled with.

Mr. Mullen Sr. chuckled at Kisa.

“My shabby place was lucky enough to catch Mrs. Kooper’s eye. Since that’s the case, you should stay over,” he said as he turned to Gilbert.

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