Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1294

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1294

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1294

Chapter 1294 Overly Calm

“She’s been awake for a while, not long after you left.”

Kisa’s heart sank. “So, how is she? Does she have any unusual symptoms?”

“No. She only kept asking how her baby was and was a bit emotional when she woke up. I called the doctor, and the doctor told her that the baby was gone. Then she became quiet instead and didn’t cry. You should go in and see her She must be very strong. Her child is gone, but she didn’t cry.”

Kisa’s heart stopped when she heard what the caregiver said. She cares so much about the baby in her womb. The baby is gone, and the culprits are Anthony and Karen. She couldn’t possibly have no reaction. The quieter Lea was, the more Kisa felt uneasy.

When Kisa opened the door, she saw Lea sitting on the bed with her eyes looking out the window It was dark outside now, and there was nothing to see. She did not notice and had no reaction when Kisa walked in.

“Lea… Kisa went over and called out to her. As if Lea had not heard, she remained motionless Kisa pursed her lips and walked around the bed to stand in front of her Lea’s face looked pale, so much so that the red and swollen slap mark became even more apparent. There was no expression on Lea’s face, and she was still looking out the window with vacant eyes. Kisa looked at her and felt a lump in her throat She sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroked the corner of Lea’s forehead, and whispered, “Lea. ”

Lea slowly focused her vision to look at her “M-My baby is gone.”

Her voice was calm, without emotion, even a little hollow. It made Kisa uneasy. “You’re still so young. You’ll have another baby in the future.”

Lea shook her head. “There won’t be any. There won’t be.


“The doctor said I won’t be able to conceive anymore.”

Kisa’s expression changed drastically ‘How could this be? The doctor hadn’t told me about this.” She held Lea’s cold hand to comfort her “Don’t worry Kelvin is a highly skilled doctor It just so happens that he’s coming over here. I’ll ask him to take a look at you. You’ll be fine”

“It doesn’t matter,” Lea spoke softly and hollowly.

Kisa heard it and felt sad.

“Anthony thinks I don’t deserve to bear his child, so it doesn’t matter ”

“No, Anthony still cares about you and the baby “By Anthony’s reaction today, Kisa truly thought that Anthony might still have some feelings for Lea

Lea still shook her head. “He wouldn’t care.”

“It’s true. I told Anthony about the baby, and he was pained to know that the baby’s gone

“Really? Yet even then, Lea had little reaction, her eyes remaining lifeless. her ghastly pale face devoid of expression. “It doesn’t matter,” she said again.

Worried, Kisa held her hand tightly Lea, don’t be like this. You’ll get through it. All the bad things will pass. Look at me. I was so miserable when I lost my baby. But now I’m okay.”

“But I can’t get over it.”

Lea’s condition scared Kisa. She did not know how to comfort her friend. Kisa pursed her lips and changed the subject. “Lea, are you hungry? What would you like to eat? I’ll get it for you.”

As soon as her voice trailed off, a tall man turned up at the door

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