Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1311

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1311

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1311

Chapter 1311 I’ve Been Wronged

Kisa froze, then turned to look at Gilbert.

She was lying down while he was sitting.

She could see the man’s chiseled jawline and his dark eyes brimming with earnestness.

Kisa’s heart trembled.

“What Did you say?” she asked in a tense voice.I’m saying our first child is still alive.”

Hah! Kisa suddenly laughed sardonically. It sounded cold and ironic.

She continued, “Gilbert, haven’t you hurt me enough? You’re even telling me such lies.

I’m not lying to you. The child really is still alive.”

“Is that so?” Kisa snorted icily.

She continued, “Where’s the child? Bring the child here and let me take a look.”

Gilbert stared into her eyes and said slowly, “You’ve met them. They’re… Andrew and Ada.” Kisa’s heart trembled once more. A moment later, she sneered so much she teared up.

“Gilbert Kooper, if you’re going to lie, at least make it a little bit more convincing Did you forget that I’ve already done a DNA test with Andrew and Ada? I got carried away with my imagination, they’re not my children. I didn’t expect you to lie to me this way. Do you think that I’m naive or stupid?”

The woman said as the hatred in her eyes grew more intense.

Gilbert did not panic.

“They’re blood related. This cannot be changed in any way,’ he thought.

He also lay down and pulled the woman into his arms.

“I don’t know what went wrong that time, but the DNA test definitely was faked. Andrew and Adal are your children. This is the unchangeable truth.”

“Gilbert Kisa looked at him and sneered. She said with a sorrowful expression, “Did you know when a lie is repeated time and again, it’ll become a joke?”

Gilbert wanted to say something.

However, Kisa continued, “I actually know who Andrew and Ada’s mother is, so there’s really no need for you to lie to me. I won’t buy it.

Gilbert was startled.

He looked at her in confusion.

This really is strange She’s the children’s mother Who else does she think their mother is he


Kisa explained, “I know you got drunk when you went on a business trip one time and ended up sleeping with a woman. After that, she got pregnant with your child. Grandma was worried that she’d tie you down with the baby, so she settled the matter with the woman using money. She gave that woman lots of money with the condition that the child would belong to the Kooper family after it was born. On the other hand, she could never return to Athadale nor ever get involved with you again. Andrew and Ada are the children birthed by that woman.”

After hearing Kisa’s words, Gilbert was about to lose his mind.

‘She’s upgraded from an actress to a screenwriter. She actually thought of such a cliche scenario and put it on me. I’ve been wronged! Not only did I sleep with an unknown woman out of nowhere, but I even got two children out of nowhere. I’m impressed by her imagination. Seriously, the stuff going on in her little head really isn’t something normal people can understand,’ he thought.

Kisa continued again, “That’s why you really don’t have to use the children to lie to me; it’s really unbelievable.”

Gilbert peered at her icily, “Then you’re not mad at me for sleeping with that unknown woman? You don’t mind?”

“Why should I be mad? Why should I mind?” Kisa asked glumly.

Well, I definitely do mind. But… He got set up by that woman when he was drunk on a business trip. I don’t blame him. It’s like how my mother got framed and slept with Christopher Case, was David supposed to blame my mother for being unfaithful to their relationship? she wondered.

Gilbert felt angry hearing the woman’s nonchalant tone.

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