Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1313

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1313

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1313

Chapter 1313 The Same Bad Dream

Right after Kisa spoke, she turned around so that her back was facing Gilbert.

Gilbert stared deeply at the back of her head and did not continue explaining himself.

‘This woman’s always been stubborn. Besides, she refuses to believe me, so there’s no use if I don’t have concrete evidence, he thought.

When he thought of Kisa’s unconcerned and icy words just now, he felt angry.

He subconsciously tightened his grip on the woman’s waist as he got angry. He wanted to mold her into his embrace

At first, Kisa gritted her teeth and endured his perverted way of hugging.

When she felt the pain coming from her waist, she finally lost her patience and growled lowly. Loosen your grip. Are you trying to strangle my current baby to death?”

Gilbert instantly retracted his arms as if he had touched something hot.

“You… You Did I hurt you just now?”

“Mhm!” Kisa answered quietly.

When she thought of how the man cared about the baby in her this much, she felt a mix of emotions.

“Even though I keep insisting that I don’t believe that the two children are mine, I have to admit that I felt a hint of expectation and wavered when I heard him say it. Regardless, I definitely have to do another DNA test with Andrew and Ada,’ she thought.

The light switch clicked softly.

The room quickly fell into darkness.

Gilbert hugged her and buried his head in her neck.

“Let’s not argue. It’s really late; go sleep,” he said quietly.

“You’re the one who’s always getting angry with me. Just now, you came back just with a dark and cold expression. Don’t come back if you’re feeling so unhappy with me. Wouldn’t you feel better if you just slept outside?”

“If I don’t come back, what happens if you get scared?”

Kisa stiffened.

‘Does this mean he returns to the room early every night and purposefully waits for me to wa before he leaves because he was worried that I’d get scared? she wondered.

“Didn’t you say you only feel at ease when I’m around?”

The man mumbled at the back of her neck, and his warm breath entered her shirt collar

It was warm and suggestive.

Kisa’s body was stiff, but her heart trembled.

Suddenly, she thought of what Kelvin had told her today.

He told her that Gilbert really loved her.

Lea also said the same thing.

‘Looking at it now, they might be right. If he doesn’t love me, why would he be worried and scared for me? Why would he care about the baby in me so much? After all, he’s not short of children. But if he really does love me, how do we explain the bad things he did to me in the past? she thought Once again, the room fell into silence. The man’s embrace was warm and comforting.

Kisa slowly fell asleep with a heart filled with doubt and mixed emotions.

Once again, she was in the mysterious and creepy garden in the cold, dim moonlight.

In the garden, Kisa was running in a panic.

However, the garden was so large it was endless. No matter how she ran, she could not get out of the garden.

From a distance, the terrifying-looking woman’s silhouette slowly floated toward her

Kisa was so frightened she shrieked. Then, she turned around and ran with all her might.

“Wake up, Kisa. Wake up..

Suddenly, a strong force shook her roughly.

Then, there was a bright light.

Kisa slowly opened her eyes and met Gilbert’s worried gaze.

“Another bad dream?”

Kisa stared at him in a daze. Moments later, she nodded her head.

“This is the second time,” she answered in a slightly erratic and hoarse voice.

Gilbert frowned, “What second time?”

“This dream, it’s my second time having it.”

Gilbert was confused.

“What dream?”

“A huge, mysterious garden with the… silhouette of a woman with unkempt hair.

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