Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 469

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 469

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 469

Chapter 469 The Scourge

“It is Goddess of My Adoration,” Lea said, holding the tablet in front of her.

“Look, although the two dramas were released on different platforms, both of

which are major ones. Goddess of My Adoration has just garnered over ten

million views, while yours has as high as two hundred million.”

Kisa was somewhat relieved. At first, she thought The Legend of Luna was

performing poorly.

“And your rating was 8.6, to begin with, while Goddess of My Adoration was 3.4,

and all the people down there were cursing Sharon and her drama. Tsk…” Lea

said. “I pity other actors who have worked so hard. I just don’t understand;

Sharon’s reputation has gone to the dogs, yet Mr. Kooper hasn’t put her on the

bench. Instead, he let her finish the drama and released it on the same day as

yours. Isn’t he inviting trouble?” Lea had many questions in mind.

But Kisa just smiled. She did not think Gilbert was a fool. She knew men like

Gilbert would not make such a mistake in the business world. He probably had

his plan when he was determined not to put Sharon on the bench and even

released Goddess of My Adoration on the same day as The Legend of Luna;

just that no one could figure out why he did that.

In the Kooper residence, Sharon was crying in front of Madalyn, who glanced at

her with disgust. “How could you still have the nerve to cry? You have ruined

GK this time. GK has never had a drama with such a low rating and such a low

viewership. I don’t care if you ruin your reputation, but the problem is you have

taken GK’s drama down with you.”

“It is not like that, Mrs. Kooper Sr.,…” Sharon cried. “This is all Gilbert’s plan. He

deliberately ruined my reputation to accent Kisa’s perfection. He used me to

help that woman and the J & K Film Group.”

“What are you talking about?” Madalyn was so angry that she stomped her

cane on the ground.

Sharon quickly said, “This is what Gilbert told me personally. Even my scandal

was Gilbert’s doing. You heard what Gilbert said to the press last time; he would

sacrifice anything for that b*tch, including GKyou worked so hard to build.”

Madalyn was so furious that her expression changed. “Scourge, what a


“Mrs. Kooper Sr., Gilbert won’t listen to anything I say now. He only listens to

that woman. But that woman is bent on thinking that Gilbert is behind the prison

fire. She set up the J & K Film Group, and approached Gilbert, Andrew, and Ada

to seek revenge. If this continues, Gilbert will die at her hands.”

“You shut up.” It flustered Madalyn to hear the word ‘die’, especially when

Sharon mentioned her precious grandson. She glared at Sharon sternly. “Are

you saying Kisa thought Gilbert was behind the prison fire?”

Sharon nodded in apprehension. “Yes… Yes… That is what that b* tch told me.

She said she would kill Gilbert.”

“How dare she!” Madalyn rose to her feet and slapped the table. ” Over my

dead body if she wants to kill my precious grandson.”

“But that woman has completely bewitched Gilbert. What can we do?”

Madalyn narrowed her eyes. ” Don’t worry. I have a way of making Gilbert

change his mind.”

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