Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 598

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 598

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 598

Chapter 598 I Want You Gone!

Emma grinned and took out a knife from her pocket. “I want you gone!” she roared.

Kisa’s expression changed in an instant. She pretended to be calm and said, “There’s no way you can get out of this

if I’m dead.”

“Hah. This is a barren mountain, and you’re on the

opposite side of the caution tape. When they find your

body, they’ll only conclude it as you tragically falling off

the cliff.”

Kisa started getting more and more anxious at the sound

of that. If she did not hurt her foot, or if the woman did not have a knife in her hand, maybe she would still be

able to fight back. However, this woman was not only

holding a knife but also much taller than her, so she was at a disadvantage no matter what.

Kisa weighed the situation in her head while her nerves tightened. She was thinking of how to escape. Behind her was a forest in which the dangerous paths were hidden under the beautiful snow. All she could do was run

forward to the VIP area of the hot springs. Emma would not dare to do anything to her there.

Kisa took a deep breath as she grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at Emma’s face. Taking advantage of the distraction as Emma tried to dodge, Kisa ran forward desperately, running past Emma’s left side.

The snow was thick and tall. Moreover, Kisa’s ankle hurt so badly that she staggered a few times and almost fell. Although Emma trying to dodge the snow attack bought Kisa some time, her legs were long and uninjured. She ran

toward Kisa fast, with snow dancing around.

“You’re dead, b*tch!” Emma roared as she tried to stab


Kisa’s facial expression changed drastically. She quickly ducked to dodge the knife, but Emma did not stop. She

continued to try and stab Kisa after the first attempt. Kisa evaded her attack multiple times and rolled onto the snow miserably twice. Emma did not give up. She followed her closely, continuously making a stabbing

motion at Kisa with the knife.

Kisa dodged in fear. ‘This woman isn’t just a dumb *ss. She’s a vicious murderer!‘

“Ouch!” Kisa screamed as she suddenly tumbled down a snowy slope. The snow slope was steep was stretched for miles. She could not stop, and it felt like ages. In a panic,

she tried her best to hold onto the surrounding vines and trees, but just as her hands touched those vines, she started tumbling down the slope again.

Kisa was dizzy after rolling down the hill for a long while. She could vaguely feel her body losing its center of gravity, and it felt like she was falling from a tall building.


Kisa groaned and lost consciousness after feeling a severe dull pain spreading from her back to her limbs. “Kisa!” A loud yell sounded.

Emma was trembling all over. “No… No… Mr. Kooper … Please… I…”

“Ah!” Before she could finish speaking, Gilbert violently threw a punch at her. That punch was so strong that Emma fell to the ground, her mouth and nose bleeding. She held onto her face in shock and said, “You… You hit me.” This was the first time Gilbert had ever hit a woman like this. The veins on his forehead were bulging.

“You’re going to pay the price if I come back alive.”

When Emma was wondering what he meant by the second part of his sentence, she witnessed him jumping in the direction where Kisa had rolled down.

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