Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 613

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 613

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 613

Chapter 613 Let’s See How Long You Can Last

“You had better eat something, even if it doesn’t taste good. At least you can replenish some energy, lest you. faint before we get out.”

Gilbert glanced at the bread wrapped in the packaging and sneered, “Is this thing even edible?”

Kisa took a deep breath and put the bread back in her pocket. “Fine. I will see how long you can last.”

He lowered his head again and earnestly moved the twigs around a bit in the fire. He was wearing a thin, light gray sweater with a slightly short collar, so she could see the

clean ends of his hair and the back of his neck as soon as

she raised her eyes.

While the icy wind was howling outside the cave, the crackling sound of burning branches accented the quietness in the cave.

Gilbert suddenly said, “If you want to sleep, sleep some more. We will find a way to go up in the morning.”

Kisa hugged her legs and rested her chin on her knees silently.

Gilbert ignored her and lay down by the fire. He rested one hand on the back of his head and the other across his


Kisa saw his belly was flat. ‘A big man like him must be hungry now, especially since he has eaten nothing since morning. Besides, how could a person dislike bread when he is hungry?‘ She stared at

the man across from her with a frown and decided to voice the unlikely suspicion in her


“Hey, you… You refuse to eat the bread because you are afraid I will be hungry and think of leaving it to me, right?

She did not even believe what she said. So when she spoke, she was diffident and almost bit her own tongue.

Just as she expected, Gilbert let out a sarcastic smile with his eyes closed. “Don’t make a fool of yourself.”

Kisa pouted. She knew she was the one who was overthinking it, and a sense of awkwardness filled the air. Gilbert still had his lips curled so sarcastically. She bit her lip and changed the subject. “You said you heard your grandma and Sharon talk and learned that I wasn’t the one who hurt your grandma. So do you know why she

slandered me?”

“I don’t know,” he replied indifferently, instantly ending

the conversation.

She pursed her lips and asked no more questions. She

reached out to warm her hands in front of the fire and

raised her eyes to look up at the cave opening above. The blizzard showed no sign of abating. But even in such a harsh environment, she was not at all panicking,

probably because Gilbert was with her. Had she been the

only one who fell into this cave, she would have been cold and scared now. She slowly lowered her eyes, and her

gaze landed on Gilbert. No matter what he saved her for,

she was grateful to him at this moment.

Madalyn was pacing back and forth in the living room in the villa with her cane. She had not slept all night, and

her wrinkled face looked even more weathered at the


Davian was also anxious and did not sleep all night. ” What should we do? We still have no news of Mr. Kooper. What should we do?”

Adrien was sitting on the couch and smoking. He looked sullen. The atmosphere in the living room was depressing.

Kohen stood before the window and looked outside for a

long time. He then said, “The blizzard will not stop for a

while. Even if it stops, the snow is so thick. I’m afraid

searching for them is also going to be difficult.”

“We have to find them, even if it is difficult.” Peter exhaled smoke from his mouth. “I have prepared two search teams, and as soon as the blizzard dies down, I will order them to go up the mountain to look for him.”

No one responded as everyone knew that in this bad weather, no one could survive in the wild. Just that no one

dared to say it.

At this moment, Mia limped up to Madalyn.

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