Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 665

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 665

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 665

Chapter 665 He Can’t Understand

It was a video call request sent by Andrew.

Kisa answered quickly and handed the phone to Blake.

“Blake!” It was Ada’s sweet and soft voice which was pleasant to hear.

Kisa dragged a chair, sat beside Blake, and looked at the cute face in the video. “Ada, have you taken your

Christmas Eve dinner?”

“Yeah, I’ve eaten. The servants are on vacation today. So, Daddy cooked us delicious food.”

“Ma’am!” Andrew came over too. “Have you two eaten?”

“We’re eating now.” Kisa took another dish for Blake and

asked him to eat.

Blake’s mood lightened after the video call with Andrew

started. He was finally willing to enjoy the meal,

swallowing the food and asking Andrew, “When are you coming over?”

Andrew thought for a while, then shook his head. “Great- grandma hasn’t slept yet. So, we don’t know when we will be able to go there.”

“Where’s daddy?”

Kisa was eating. Suddenly, she was startled when she

heard Blake’s question. Then, she thought it might be the easier way for kids to communicate.

Indeed, Andrew did not notice anything wrong and replied directly, “Daddy is accompanying great– grandma. He said he would bring us there when great–grandma fell asleep.”

“Okay. Ma’am and I will wait for you.”

In Madalyn’s room of the Kooper’s residence.

Gilbert sat by the bed and chatted with Madalyn patiently.

Madalyn leaned on the bed’s headboard while holding onto Gilbert’s hand. Her face was full of kindness. “I remember you and Jensen liked Christmas the most when the both of you were young.”

“I was naive and easily contented when I was younger,” Gilbert responded softly to Madalyn.

Madalyn smiled and nodded, “Yeah. The both of you were easily content when you were younger. At that time, a gift from me could make Jensen happy for many days.”

“I think he’s happy because you gave him the gift but not the gift itself.‘

Madalyn stopped talking immediately. She looked at the bright lights outside the window, and her eyes were full of tears.

‘There’ll always be some mixed emotions in the hearts when people get older.‘

Gilbert patted her hand. “Grandma, do you want to sleep? I’ll stay with you here.”

Madalyn nodded and lay down under the blanket with his

support. She did not sleep but stared at Gilbert without blinking. It seemed her grandson would disappear as soon as she closed her eyes.

Gilbert sat back on the chair and held her hand.

Grandma, go to sleep. I’ll go out when you fall asleep.”

Madalyn still did not sleep and just looked at him silently. After a long time, she suddenly said, “Do you know why I don’t agree with you being with Kisa?”

Gilbert’s back stiffened and he waited for her to continue.

“Because she has caused you to lose many things. Her existence will only hurt you. I don’t allow you to be with

her for your own good and to prevent you from being hurt in the future.”

Gilbert pursed his lips and remained silent.

Madalyn said urgently, “I won’t harm you. Listen to me and break up with her. Otherwise, you’ll have a meltdown

when you know the truth.”

“What truth?” Gilbert asked her.

Madalyn did not clearly spell it out but only continued in a worrying tone, “I won’t force you to do anything if you don’t know the truth for your whole life. I’m just afraid you will know it one day. Do you understand?”

Gilbert shook his head. He really cannot understand. He wanted for more details, but Madalyn was unwilling to say anything.

The room was silent, only the sound of the clock ticking.

Madalyn’s smooth breathing soon arose after a while. Gilbert stared at her old appearance for a long time, tucked her quilt, got up, and left. Madalyn’s sudden

rambling came from behind him when he walked out of

the door.

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