Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 667

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 667

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 667

Chapter 667 You Taught That Thing To Curse Me?

“Pig–brained! Pig–brained!”


Gilbert’s expression immediately darkened as he narrowed his eyes, his gaze instantly cast at the direction

of the voice.

He then saw a woman trying to stuff a rag into a parrot’s mouth. The parrot screamed and shouted happily as it dodged about.

Gilbert snorted, “And here I was wondering why were you

so kind as to invite me to pass Christmas Eve with me. It turned out you taught that thing to curse me, huh?”

“No, I didn’t teach it that!” Kisa tried to explain. Oh, how

she wished she had turned that parrot into a roasted fowl.

Gilbert clearly did not buy that and said mockingly, “Bah, you dared to teach it how to curse at someone, but you dare not admit the deed.”

Kisa was speechless.

She gave up trying to explain. The parrot was right. Gilbert was pig–brained.

The three kids had already started playing the moment they stepped into the house.

When Gilbert got into the house, he realized that the place was a little deserted.

He looked around the house and somewhat awkwardly asked, “It’s just you at home?”

“What? Is Blake not a person now?!” Kisa retorted as she went to the dining table and away from him.

For some reason, seeing this man after so long made her

feel a little awkward.

Particularly, the scene of them both being trapped in the

cave was still fresh in her mind, and the more she

thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt.

Gilbert circled around the house and confirmed that

Jensen was not around.

He could not help but ask her, “Where’s he?”

‘Didn’t she say she would spend Christmas Eve with

Jensen and Mia?‘ ‘Why are she and Blake the only ones in

the house then?‘

‘Could it be that she wants to spend Christmas Eve alone

with me? So that’s why she sent Jensen and Mia away


Just as he was thinking about that, he heard the woman say flatly, “Jensen went back to Raworth. He said

something about some work to be done. He’ll be back

after the New Year.”


Gilbert gave a sullen response.

‘No wonder Jensen wasn’t around. I was the one who was overthinking things.‘

“Uh…” Kisa still felt a little awkward. She then arranged the ravioli wrappers and asked, without even looking up, “Have Andrew and Ada eaten?”

“They have.”

“Oh, I see.”

“But they had their dinner early, so they should be

hungry soon enough.”

Kisa was taken aback a little. “Then let’s make some

ravioli and boil them up later?”


She did not expect Gilbert to agree so readily, and Kisa was again taken aback.

When the three children heard they would make ravioli,

they quickly ran over.

“Daddy, do you know how to make ravioli?” Ada leaned

on the dining table and gave Gilbert a suspicious look.

Gilbert snorted. “Are you doubting your Daddy?”

Ada covered her mouth and sniggered. “Daddy, I can tell you don’t know how to make ravioli.”

Gilbert did not want to take that lying down, so he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to start straight away.

Kisa quickly stopped him. “Wash your hands. The three of you, too, wash your hands.”

The children followed obediently as they went to wash

their hands with Gilbert.

Taking advantage of the time, Kisa tried to make a ravioli


Just as she stuffed the coin into the ravioli, to her dismay,

she found that the wrappers had shrunk and could not

wrap the coin filling at all.

She smacked herself for forgetting that she needed a larger wrapper for the coin ravioli she wanted to make.

Fortunately, there was still flour in the cabinet.

She quickly rushed into the kitchen and looked for a large stainless–steel bowl. She then poured a packet of flour into it before adding water and started kneading.

Gilbert looked at what she was doing in confusion, “What are you doing?”

“Kneading the dough, of course.” Kisa walked over and stuffed the bowl into his arms. “You have the strength. You do it.”

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