Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 674

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 674

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 674

Chapter 674 Put It On. Be Good.

Kisa looked at the address Davian had given her, then looked at the remaining mileage and felt a bit of a headache. “Is this address correct? Are those two jailers really in this little hilly village?” The place was called Hillsby, which she had never heard of, and could not even find on the Internet. Judging by the remaining distance, as well as the car’s speed, it was hard to tell when they would get to Hillsby. And even if they got there, there was no guarantee that the two jailers would be there, and they might have fled.

Gilbert found a more upscale -looking hotel and parked up, then said, “The men Davian sent are still in thevillage. They will inform me if there is anything.”

As he opened the car door, a gust of old air rushed in. Gilbert quickly closed the car door back, rummaging around to find something to keep warm. But he found nothing. So he took off his coat and draped it on Kisa.

Kisa frowned and subconsciously leaned back. “It is okay.I’m not cold. Keep it for yourself.”

“Put it on. Be good,” he said with a frown as if it was anorder.

Kisa relented, thinking she was not the one who would be freezing later.

The two of them walked together into the hotel. It wasnot very big, but the decoration looked all right, and the lobby looked clean. Kisa adjusted the mask on her face and followed the man to walk to the reception.

“Are there rooms available?” Gilbert asked, his voice lowand pleasing to the ears.

The receptionist, a young lady, was playing with herphone when she heard the voice. She looked up and wastransfixed for a couple of seconds when she saw Gilbert.

It was as if she was wondering why he looked like a particular celebrity on the news.

“Are there any rooms available?” Gilbert asked again.

The receptionist snapped back from her thoughts andquickly said, “Yes, yes. Do you want two single rooms or adouble room?”


“Two single rooms, please.” Kisa chimed in just as Gilbert opened his mouth.

The receptionist glanced at them with a strange look inher eyes. “Please show your respective ID.”

Gilbert immediately took out his identity card from hiswallet and handed it to the receptionist, who took it withboth hands. She took a look at the identity card, and her eyes widened. ‘Gilbert Kooper? Is he the celebrity in the news? No way! How would a celebrity like that come to this little town and stay in a hotel that doesn’t even have a star rating? Maybe he is just someone who looks like him and has the same name,‘ the receptionist thought to herself. She took a pen and wrote on the register. After that, she looked at Kisa. “Please show me your ID, Miss.”

Kisa hesitated. She was an actress and had much more exposure than Gilbert. When people saw Gilbert, they might doubt if he was really the legendary personage. But if people saw her and Gilbert together, they would, beyond doubt, know they were the CEO and the actress the media were talking about, which could create another publicity storm. Her new drama was about to start filming, and she did not want any scandals at this moment.

“Miss, your ID, please?” the receptionist asked again.

“I forgot to bring my identity card with me. Can I check in without having to register?”

“Our hotel’s rules are such that it has to be one name registered for each room.” The receptionist looked in a predicament.

Kisa looked at Gilbert for help, but he just looked on with his arms crossed in front of his chest, seemingly not intending to help. Kisa pursed her lips and said, “Then I had better sleep in the car.”

“Come back.”

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