Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 689

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 689

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 689

Chapter 689 Silence Abuse

Gilbert said nothing. He pulled back his eyes and continued to study the map. Kisa wanted to ask him several times what he was studying the map for, words choked in her throat upon seeing his grim face. She did not know how long it had been when the man finally turned off his phone as if he had studied the map thoroughly.

Kisa hurriedly got to her feet, expecting him to say something. But he still said nothing and did not even reveal anything about tomorrow’s plan. He seemed to treat her as if she did not exist. Kisa had no choice but to hold back his curiosity again.

Gilbert put the phone aside, then silently ate the food on the coffee table, except the sandwiches – it seemed that the sandwich was indeed ordered for her. She glanced at him; he still looked sullen, not to be messed with.

Kisa pursed her lips and silently took the sandwiches over. She really liked sandwiches, especially tuna sandwiches.

Gilbert was probably starving; he had gobbled all the food before she could finish her sandwiches.

“Keep all the doors and windows closed when you go to bed,” Gilbert said in an icy voice and went into the bathroom.

Kisa glanced at him as he went, so exasperated that she threw the cutlery on the coffee table. ‘His temper is like no other since he is giving me a silent treatment, fine! I will play along and see who will blink first!‘

Gilbert had a quick shower. When Kisa was cleaning up the coffee table, he came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, but he walked straight into the room closer to the bathroom and slammed the

door shut without even looking at her.

She stared at the closed door, getting so peeved that she let out a sardonic laugh. ‘What an ill- tempered guy! I just can’t understand what he is angry about. I just didn’t share a cup of noodles with him. What is such a big deal about it?‘

After taking a shower, Kisa rechecked every corner of the room, especially the bathroom. The good thing was that there was no window in the bathroom of this unit but just a massive floor–to–ceiling window in the room.

She glanced down from the window. She tensed up when she saw four black vehicles pull up downstairs, one after another. A dozen bodyguard -like men got out of the cars and walked into the hotel. They did not look like the hotel’s security guards but like the killers after them. Have the killers caught up with us? So quickly? Are they also staying in this hotel?‘ She subconsciously spun around and wanted to find Gilbert. But she was worried that he might have fallen asleep. After thinking about it, she took out her phone and sent a message to Gilbert.

[Those killers seem to have caught up with us. Did you see them?]

But after a long while, there was still no response from him. She thought he might have fallen asleep and so it might not be the best time to disturb him. So she went back to the window and observed the situation downstairs. Those men did not come out again after entering the hotel. So she figured they must have checked in. She did not know what to do now. The killers were so close to them now that she was afraid she could not sleep well again tonight.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the room. Thinking that Gilbert was still awake, she rushed to open the door.

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