Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 691

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 691

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 691

Chapter 691 What a Mansplainer

Kisa was upset. She still had to think about the big picture. Those killers might not have climbed into her room from the outside, but there was no guarantee that they would not pick the lock in the middle of the night.

Plus, she really did not want Gilbert to worry about her. After all, he had to drive during the day. She had once said she would drive when he felt tired, but he disagreed.

Gilbert told her that killers were chasing them along the ́ way and that her driving skills were not as good as his, so he was afraid that she could not escape in a car pursuit. Kisa had the same thought, too, so she did not insist.

Gilbert was still awake, leaning against the headboard and playing with his phone. The room was lit with warm yellow light from the wall lamp, the soft light making him look more affable, unlike his prickly attitude earlier.

Kisa held the quilt and stood in the doorway. Seeing that he said nothing, she scuttled toward the bed. It was a gigantic bed, but Gilbert was lying at the center, so she did not know where she should sleep. But there was more space at the end of the bed. She glanced at the man, then moved the quilt at the end of the bed to one side so that it freed up more space. Kisa put her quilt there and climbed up from the end of the bed.

Gilbert was wearing headphones, seeming to be playing a game, and looking very serious. “Heh! Didn’t he just say he was tired and wanted to sleep? Yet he is playing a game now.’ She despised him in her heart as she pulled her own quilt over her legs, then held the edges of the quilt, and slowly slipped under the quilt. She tried to be gentle and not make a sound because there was not much space for her to sleep, and she did not want to disturb Gilbert.

However, as soon as she lay down, she heard Gilbert’s disgusted voice. “No one has ever dared to point their feet at me. Kisa, are you going to let me smell your stinky feet?

‘Heck! What a mansplainer! How could she say such things to a woman?‘ Kisa’s face flushed with indignation. “It is your feet that stink!”

“Come here!”

“Go sleep on the floor! It is not like you are f*cking obese. Why do you have to take up the entire bed?” Kisa yelled angrily, even swearing. ‘It was he who asked me to sleep with him. So why is he taking up the entire bed for himself? What the hell did he mean? Is he trying to play me?’

He glanced at her. Seeing her reddening face, he said nothing and just moved over to the side a bit, freeing up half of the bed for her.

Kisa took a breath, and only then did she carry her quilt and move over. As she lay down on his end, she moved as far as she could to the edge of the bed, away from him, and with her back to him.

Gilbert glanced at her slim back, then silently unplugged the headset from his ears and turned the phone’s speakers on. The sweet and cheerful voices of children came through, reverberating throughout the room.

“Daddy! Daddy! I miss you so much.”

“Daddy! What are you doing now? When are you coming back?”

Kisa was transfixed when she heard Andrew’s and Ada’s voices. She slowly turned around and saw Gilbert and the kids chatting on a video call.

“Daddy will be back in a few days. Are you guys behaving at home?”

“Yeah, we are well–behaved. Uncle Kelvin and Auntie Gracie took us to the amusement park today.”

“Really? So you guys aren’t running around, are you?”

“No, we have always been well–behaved.”

“Daddy, when will you and Ma’am take us to the amusement park?”

Gilbert was always gentle with the children. “I will try when I get back.”

Ada’s merry laughter came at once. “Then please come back as soon as possible.”

It was Andrew’s and Ada’s voices all the time. Kisa felt a bit anxious when she did not hear Blake’s voice.

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