Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 774

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 774

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 774

Chapter 774 I Have No Appetite Dining With You

“Mom, he is Mr. Tanner I told you about,” Sharon whispered into Carolyn’s ear. “He is very good at what he does and says he knows you and Dad from way back.”

“Mr. Tanner?” Carolyn frowned and studied Adrien carefully. She could not remember when she had known this man, but the familiarity was real. Besides, that inexplicable familiarity made her blush and flutter. She hurriedly looked away, her cheeks a little red and hot.

Adrien swept his eyes over her with a meaningful smile on his lips.

The four men soon came over. The first thing Peter did was look around, obviously searching for Jolina. Not long after, he walked in a direction.

Kisa glanced over and found Jolina nestled in a corner.

Gilbert came over and looked at the empty cart and then the flowers in everyone’s arms. He then approached Kisa in a low voice, “Don’t you like the flowers I gave you?”

“Oh! It was really you who gave me those flowers,” Kisa said in surprise, her voice not too loud, just enough for Carolyn to hear. She shook her head and said, “Gee, you will have to talk to my aunt about that. She thought I bought the flowers myself and said I hired Davian to put on a show. Look, she was so angry and smashed all the

flowers you gave me.”

Davian nodded vigorously in agreement. Gilbert then looked at Carolyn. His insidious look frightened Carolyn. She moved her lips, wanting to say something, but thinking that she was the elder, and whatever she said. would only embarrass herself in this situation, she thought better of it. While she was red–faced and did not know what to do, Adrien suddenly walked up with a smile.

“It is not a big deal, Mr. Kooper. It is probably because this lady didn’t understand the situation. I will buy some new flowers for Kisa later.”

Carolyn stared at Adrien, her heart fluttering once again with a touch of blushing sensation. She then lowered her

head with a bashful look.

Kisa looked at Carolyn’s change of expression and could not help but be puzzled. After a while, she smiled at Adrien and waved. “It is okay, Uncle Adrien. It is just a few bouquets. Besides, this is my aunt. She ‘took care‘ of me when I was little. So I won’t take the issue up with her about these bouquets.”

“Ha–ha, Kisa is always so understanding,” Adrien said, looking at Carolyn with a gentle look in his eyes. “It is only a minor thing, so don’t take it to heart about it. We are all acquaintances, so let’s all be nice.”

Carolyn was usually arrogant, extremely patronizing, and would never listen to anyone. But at this moment, she

nodded like an obedient child.

Kisa became even more puzzled and curiously studied Carolyn when Gilbert suddenly took her hand in his. His hand was warm, and Kisa’s heart skipped a beat. She tried to pull her hand back, but he tightened his grip even more. Kisa glared at him, but he grinned and said, “Shall we have dinner together tonight?”

“No!” Kisa declined right away. “I have no appetite for dining with you.”

At that moment, the director suddenly called out.

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