Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 785

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 785

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 785

Chapter 785 I’m Giving You Only One More Chance

Kisa’s arm was struck away, and the porridge in the spoon spilled all over the floor. Kisa’s body staggered sideways, and she almost fell down from the chair.

Fortunately, she held the porridge bowl tight, or else it would have splashed all over the floor.

Noticing that he had overreacted, Gilbert said with an awkward tone, “I told you. I don’t want to force you to take care of me, you…”

“Did I ever say you were forcing me?” Kisa looked at him with reddened eyes. “I just want to take good care of you. It’s not because you saved me, but I was worried about you, to begin with. You think I wasn’t anxious when you got knocked down by the car yesterday?”

“I was crying hard outside the ER, and Jensen was the one consoling me.”

“I told him, I want to forget all of the hatred and grievances of the past. I want to be with you.”

Gilbert shuddered as his dark eyes looked at her deeply.

“You told him that you want to be with me?”

Gilbert found it hard to believe it as the surge of joy and excitement in his heart made his arms tremble slightly.

Kisa did not respond to him, nor did she look at him.

She looked down and said, “If you want me to leave and no longer want to see me, I’ll leave then!”

When he heard this, Gilbert panicked.

He immediately grabbed her hand, “No, don’t go… I… I’m not asking you to leave. I just…”

Kisa looked at him. Her eyes were still red. “You just what?”

Gilbert knew he had a lot to say to this woman.

But for some reason, be it nervousness or excitement, he could not find the words and just grabbed onto her hand tightly.

“Nothing, just don’t go.”

“Then this porridge…”

Recalling that Kelvin mentioned that Gilbert had not eaten for the entire day, Kisa still wanted him to eat something.

Gilbert immediately said, “I’ll eat it. I’m famished.”

“And you had the strength to be stubborn with me while you’re famished?” Kisa rolled her eyes at him.

Gilbert was taken aback and said awkwardly, “I wasn’t in the mood to eat just now.”

“And now you’re in the mood?”

“Yeah, I’m in the mood now. I even have the appetite for it.” The man said seriously.

Kisa let out a muffled chuckle and handed the bowl of porridge to him.

The man refused to take it and said casually to her, “Feed me.”

“Don’t even think about it.” Kisa stuffed the bowl into his unscathed hand and snorted, “I gave you one chance for me to feed you, and you refused it, so don’t even think that I’ll feed you again.”


Gilbert glared at her and snorted, but he was all smiling. Compared to how he was before and now, it was as if he was two different persons.

He took the bowl, lifted his wounded arm toward her, and said in a pitiful tone, “How about you feed me? My other arm is wounded, you know?”

“That hand of yours still had the strength to pull me back just now. What’s the matter? Does it not even have the strength to lift a spoon now?”

‘Who asked him to be stubborn with me just now? I’ll piss him the hell off!‘

Gilbert gritted his teeth and stared at her.

‘This woman is sure neither gentle nor considerate at all.‘ Unable to withstand his domineering gaze, Kisa snorted, Actually, you don’t really need to use that hand to eat the porridge.”

Gilbert raised his eyebrow. “How so?”


“Just pour it down your throat like you’re drinking water.


“Alright, eat up already. The floor is dirty, and I need to clean it up.”

As soon as Kisa said that, she ignored him.

She pulled out a few paper towels and squatted on the ground as she cleaned up the spilled porridge.

Gilbert glared at her angrily, and then, just as she said, he raised his head and poured the bowl of porridge down his throat.

And just as he was done eating, someone entered the


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