Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 787

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 787

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 787

Chapter 787 Avoiding

Kisa’s face reddened, and she pushed him away, ” Someone’s here. I’ll go have a look.”

Gilbert gritted his teeth, feeling a little miffed.

‘Bummer, I almost managed to kiss her.”

As she was afraid that the person coming could be Mrs. Kooper Sr., Kisa did not go down and only peeked through the window.

And through it, she saw Mrs. Kooper Sr. alighting from the car with Davian escorting her.

After the two got out of the car, Davian helped Mrs. Kooper Sr. into the house.

Kisa immediately turned and told Gilbert, “It’s Grandma. I’ll go hide for a bit.”

As she said that, she walked to the bathroom.

Gilbert immediately grabbed onto her, “No need, stay here.”

“But Grandma…”

“I’m here and won’t allow her to hurt you. Also, you can’t keep avoiding her like this. I don’t want you to be


His words made her feel warm inside.

She patted his hands and smiled, “I’m not, but Grandma probably still has quite a lot of misunderstandings with


and those won’t be untangled within a short time. I’ll avoid her, and her ire for now, or else the two of you might fight.”

When Gilbert was about to say something else, Kisa had already let go of his hands and walked to the bathroom.

Gilbert looked on firmly at her thin back, his eyes filled with distress and regret.

Mrs. Kooper Sr. soon arrived in his room, and the moment she got in, she started to look around.

“That Kelvin, he said to bring you here so it’ll be easier for him to take care of you and look. There’s no one in this big villa at all. Where did that runt go to?”

As Mrs. Kooper Sr. said that, she glanced at the wound on his leg and continued, “You’re immobile, and there’s no one here. I’m really worried that you might struggle to even get food. That Kelvin is unreliable, so follow

Grandma back after this.”

“Grandma…” Gilbert put down the magazine in his hand as he said to her, “I’ve already eaten. They’ve been taking good care of me, don’t worry. They probably went out to attend to something. They can’t be minding me every hour of the day, right? It’s not like I’m crippled.”

“Hush you, stop jinxing yourself.”

Mrs. Kooper Sr. looked at him lovingly, “Hmm, you do look good today. I’m relieved.”

“Grandma, I’m fine. You don’t have to come to visit me every day.”

“No, if I don’t see you even for a single day, I won’t be at peace,” Mrs. Kooper Sr. smiled as her eyes suddenly caught sight of the two mugs on the side table, and one of them had a slight lipstick stain on it. She narrowed her eyes as a glint flashed across them.

She sat opposite Gilbert, her hands on her walking stick as she said, “That woman was here?”

“Which woman?” Gilbert pretended not to understand


Mrs. Kooper Sr. sneered, “You know who I’m talking about.”

Gilbert did not respond and instead lowered his gaze toward the magazine on his knee.

It was clear that the man’s silence was an admission.

Mrs. Kooper Sr.’s chest heaved violently twice.

Suddenly, her hands struck, knocking the cups on the table onto the ground.

Davian was shocked and immediately rushed over,


Ma’am, don’t be like that. Calm down.”

Gilbert looked up at Mrs. Kooper Sr.. “You hate her that much?”

“I not only hate her, but I also despise her!”

Mrs. Kooper Sr. roared. Her eyes were red as fury and sorrow radiated from her old eyes.

Gilbert was distressed, “Just because of her mother?”

Mrs. Kooper Sr. did not say anything and only gripped her walking stick tightly. The anger in her heart caused her old hands to tremble.

“No matter your grievances with her mother, that is in the past. Why must you vent your anger on her? She did nothing wrong.”


Mrs. Kooper Sr suddenly chuckled, “Did you really think I despise her just because of her mother?”

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