Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 790

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 790

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 790

Chapter 790 People Change After All

Jensen’s eyes were darkly profound in the dim light. Hę smiled and said, “If you are not in a hurry, we can sit down and talk.”


The café was quiet and suitable for having a conversation. Since arriving at the café, Kisa’s cell phone had been ringing non-stop, and the sound of the ringing was particularly loud in the quiet atmosphere.

Jensen glanced at her with a smile. “It is Gilbert, right?”

Kisa smiled and did not answer.

Jensen leaned back in his chair and said casually, “It is okay. You’d better reply to him. After that, we will have a talk.”

“Okay.” Kisa nodded, hurriedly took out her phone, and sent a few messages back to Gilbert.

Knowing Gilbert, Kisa knew he would not stop calling her just because she had returned a few messages. But surprisingly, he only replied with an ‘I will wait for you‘, and then stopped calling her again. She felt he was slowly changing. Her heart filled with joy, and she could not help but smile at the thought of this.

There was a fleeting hint of mixed emotions in his eyes as

Jensen quietly stared at her smiling face. When Kisa looked at him again, he looked calm and gentle as usual.

“Did you really find that warden?”

“We have yet to find exactly where the warden is, but someone has seen him. This proves that he is still alive. If we follow this lead, I believe it will not take long to find him.”

Kisa nodded. “It is okay. Just do your best.”

Jensen took a sip of his coffee and looked at her. “You have been away for the past few days, taking care of Gilbert, right? How is his injury?”

“He has almost recovered. Thank you for Let’s have dinner together someday.”

your concern.

Jensen laughed. “That won’t be necessary. I’m afraid he will lose his appetite when he sees me.”

“Jensen,” Kisa suddenly stopped smiling and asked, “You and Gilbert used to be quite close. Why…”

“That was before. With time, people change, after all.”

“But I just think you haven’t changed. You are still as trustworthy as you were when you were small.”

Jensen lowered his eyes and chuckled, his voice reeking of mixed emotions. Kisa could not understand, nor did she bother to look deeper. She thought of something and quickly took out an agreement from her bag.

“By the way, this is the J & K Film Group’s share transfer agreement. I wanted to give it to you the other day but forgot.”

Jensen did not take the agreement or look at her. He just took a sip of coffee and said with a faint smile, “You don’t want J & K Film Group anymore?”

Kisa shook her head. “J & K Film Group was originally yours. You have been working hard to manage and run it, so I felt I didn’t deserve to be its CEO. Besides, I no longer want to take revenge on Gilbert. It is pointless for me to be in control of such a big company. I just want to

concentrate on acting and do my job as a J & K Film Group artist.”

Jensen smiles and nods. “I understand.” With that, he reached to take the share transfer agreement. “May you guys be happy together,” he said sincerely.

“Thank you.” Kisa felt especially happy and blessed with Jensen’s blessing but never noticed the complex emotions in Jensen’s eyes.

Kisa hurried left and finally arrived at the location Gilbert had sent her. It was at the innermost part of a farm. She came to a large, empty field with just a table, but no one was there. The table was set for a very elaborate candlelit dinner. As she looked around and did not see Gilbert, she walked up to the table and wondered if he had gotten fed up with waiting and left. While she was thinking so,

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