Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 795

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 795

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 795

Chapter 795 Falling in the Hands of a Woman

Lea looked at her curiously. “Did I frighten you, Kisa?”

Kisa looked around the dim environment and said with smile, “Anyone would have been frightened when you stood behind me without making a sound.”

Lea smiled shyly. “I didn’t mean to. I wanted to call out to you, but you just looked at that car like you were very absorbed, so I thought better of it.” Lea thought of something and suddenly smiled at her. “Is that Mr. Kooper in the car?”

Kisa took a long look at her and shook her head. “No, it is not.”

“Then it is….”

“It is my boyfriend.”

Lea was transfixed. “Really? You have a boyfriend?”

“Yeah, he is an outsider. You know, the impact of a celebrity having a relationship is quite significant. I have been dating him secretly for the past few days, but I’m also afraid of being caught by the paparazzi. So, can you keep this a secret for me?”

“Sure.” Lea nodded vigorously.

Kisa smiled at her and asked, “By the way, why did you

come to see me so late?”

“I have been here since a long time ago. I tried to call you but couldn’t get through to you on the phone.”

“Oh, my phone is dead. What is it about? Is it urgent?”

“It is not urgent. I’m used to informing you as soon as things change.” Lea smiled at her. “It is about the trip to Athadale. Mr. Jensen said the trip had been brought forward; we’ll go in three days. Besides, didn’t you say at the beginning that you didn’t want me to follow you? But Mr. Jensen said he wasn’t comfortable with you going alone and repeatedly told me to look after you. So I had better go with you since I have nothing to do.”

Kisa smiled at her and said jokingly, “Is it not good enough to give you a few days off?”

Lea hurriedly shook her head. “I have no family here, so there is no point in taking days off. It is better to go with you, treating it as a vacation trip. And as your assistant, I must take good care of you. Otherwise, Mr. Jensen might get angry and fire me.”

Kisa looked at her seriously for a while and then nodded. ” All right then.”

“Yeah! Then I will prepare in the next few days, and we will depart together then.”


“You get some rest early, Kisa. I will go home now.”

“Be careful on the road.” Kisa thoughtfully stared as Lea left. She then turned around and headed for the


The next day, in the CEO’s office of GK Pictures, Gilbert kept looking at his phone, not in the mood to work. He had already sent no less than ten messages to Kisa, but she had not replied or called him. He leaned back in his chair, loosening his tie, feeling upset.

Davian glanced at him. “Are you expecting a call from your wife, Mr. Kooper?”

Gilbert did not respond. His face was gloomy.

Davian pouted and then whispered, “Maybe she is busy. Besides, if you really miss her, you can call her.”

‘Call her?‘ Gilbert picked up the phone, his brows knitted together tightly. He looked out the window and saw that it was now completely dark. ‘Normally, the set should have closed by now.‘ With this thought in mind, he found Kisa’s number, and after two seconds of hesitation, he made the call.

Davian glanced at Gilbert’s cautious demeanor and could not help but sigh in his mind, thinking, ‘A man as

decisive and ruthless as Mr. Kooper could also fall into the hands of a woman.‘

But the call went unanswered.

Seeing Gilbert’s darkening face, Davian quickly said, Maybe she is busy right now and doesn’t have time to answer the phone.” As soon as Davian’s voice trailed off, the call was finally answered, and Davian was relieved.

It was noisy on the other end of the phone like there was a ruckus. Gilbert frowned in displeasure. “What are you doing? Haven’t you finished your work yet?”

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