Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 808

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 808

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 808

Chapter 808 Don’t Talk to Her About Family Love

Kisa looked at the bodyguards. “You guys drag her to the bushes so it won’t dirty everyone’s eyes with that scene. Ahh,” Something suddenly came to mind, and the corners of her lips hooked up in a ruthless smile, “remember to take pictures.”

“No! Kisa, you viperous b*tch! I hope you will die a horrible death! Let go of me! Let go of me!” Sharon hissed and screamed hysterically.

Carolyn was so mad she was about to lunge at Kisa to hit her. “You b*tch, how dare you do this to Sharon! B*tch!”

Christopher quickly pulled her back and pleaded with Kisa. “Don’t do this. We are family. Don’t make things too ugly.”

“Heh!” Kisa looked at them with cold eyes. “You care so much about your daughter, huh? Am I not someone else’s daughter, then? When you conspired with her to harm me, did you ever think my mother would be sad and hurt, too? You can brazenly hurt and bully me just because my mother is no longer here?

Kisa smiled with tears in her eyes.

Peter looked at her quietly, and it hurt him to hear her say her mother was no longer there. His hand subconsciously clasped the bracelet on his other wrist.

“Aaaaah… Let go of me! Don’t touch me with your dirty hands. Aaaaah, get off of me!” Sharon’s terrified screams came from the bushes.

Kisa leaned back in her chair with a faint smile, looking indifferent.

Carolyn was going crazy, hissing as she lunged out to aid Sharon but was quickly stopped by Kisa’s bodyguards. She could only curse and hiss at Kisa.

Christopher was profusely sweating as he rubbed his hands together and pleaded with Kisa. “I beg you, don’t do this to Sharon. She is your sister, at least, your own sister. How can you do this to her?”

“Then why didn’t you say something about her when she did this to me?” Kisa sneered, her heart as cold and hard as steel. The moment her mother passed away, their kinship was long gone. Today, no one could talk to her about family love.

Christopher had no choice but to kneel to Kisa, and he did. Seeing him bend his knees to kneel, Kisa quickly signaled the bodyguard beside her to stop him. Christopher was delighted. “I knew you wouldn’t make me kneel.”

Kisa snickered. “I just don’t want to discredit myself. As much as I hate to admit that you are my father, it is a fact that can never be changed.”

Mixed emotions flashed across Christopher’s face, and he pleaded with Kisa again. “I know you hate me, but Sharon is your sister. You really can’t do this to her. She did a lot of things that wronged you in the past. But don’t worry, I will teach her a lesson later.”

“Heh!” Kisa snickered and said absently, “Didn’t you say she is my younger sister? Then isn’t it normal for me, as her elder sister, to teach her a lesson?”

“You b*tch, you call that a lesson?” Carolyn cursed angrily. “You are ruining her! An evil woman like you deserves a horrible death.”

“Oh? Then tell me, what do you mean by a lesson? Just pretending to say a few words, not even saying anything, but giving her a pat on the back for doing a fantastic job?”

“Kisa…” Christopher stooped to his humblest level in front of Kisa, pleading with her. “What will it take for

you to let Sharon go? Tell me, and I will give you my word.”

“Oh, yeah.” Kisa looked at him with a faint smile and said slowly, “I want my mother to come back to life.”

Christopher’s face changed, and he looked sad. “You know that this is not possible.”

“Well, well, well. What a lively scene here.” A low, steady laugh suddenly came.

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