Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 849

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 849

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 849

Chapter 849 Your Ex-Husband Has a New Lover

Kisa noticed several deep nail marks on the back of Gilbert’s hands, a few of them bleeding.

“It’s nothing,” Gilbert withdrew his hand and chuckled lightly. Kisa frowned and looked at him. She then glanced toward the roller coaster ride that was not far away.

Her frown tightened, and guilt appeared on her face. “Did I do this just now?”

Gilbert kept quiet. Kisa’s frown deepened. “I must have done it when we were on the


Seeing her anxious and frustrated look, Gilbert joked, “You’re timid but very strong.”

Kisa quickly pulled his hand over to take a closer look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. If I knew my own strength, I wouldn’t have…”

“It’s fine.” Gilbert knew that Kisa felt guilty, so he did not say anything further. Instead, he dragged her over to the mild rides.

Kisa stared at his back quietly, tears forming in her eyes. ‘He’s so nice to me now.’

Even though her heart had been hurt beyond recognition by him way before this, she still fell for him once again. She only hoped that there would be no problems arising between them. ‘If all of this is just a dream, then I would like to dream forever.‘

The next day, Kisa returned to Calthon. When she got off the plane, countless media reporters rushed toward her. “You’re so popular now, Kisa. Look at the number of reporters who came to welcome you home before your return was even made public, Lea said happily. “Sharon is out of the picture, so

these reporters naturally focused most of their attention on me. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be much entertainment news to report,” Kisa whispered.

As soon as she finished speaking, the journalists passed by them directly and rushed behind them. Only a small number of reporters were surrounding her, taking pictures. Lea was stunned. “What’s going on? Aren’t they here for you? What kind of big celebrity could have such a huge influence other than you?”

Kisa felt that what Lea had said was a bit of an exaggeration, but she did have some doubts. She could not help but turn around to see who it was. Suddenly, she understood. It turned out that Gilbert was on the same plane as them. At that moment, Gilbert was surrounded by the media reporters. What was even more exciting was that there was a seductive and extravagant woman beside him. It was the woman who had played with him in the corridor yesterday. The two of them were

behaving intimately in front of the media. As if it was some big news, cameras started flashing around Gilbert and the woman vigorously.

Kisa stared at Gilbert thoughtfully. No matter how she looked at it, it seemed like Gilbert had arranged for the media to be there. ‘But this man has always kept a low profile. Why did he suddenly become so outspoken and open to the public? Is he deliberately trying to play out an act for grandma?‘

While Kisa was in a daze, the reporters surrounding her started to ask her questions.

“Ms. Becker, you and Mr. Kooper were on the same flight. Was this just a coincidence?”

“Ms. Becker, it looks like Mr. Kooper, your ex–husband, has a new lover. What are your thoughts on the relationship?”

When the reporters were asking her those questions, Gilbert walked past her. The man looked at her playfully as if curious about her answer. Kisa smiled and talked into the reporter’s microphone.

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