Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 856

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 856

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 856

Chapter 856 Self-Reproach and Hubris novelbin

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat, but when she thought this man was full of lies, she fought back her raptness. ‘He always lies as if it were true. The truth is, I really don’t understand him anymore.‘

Seeing that Kisa was still angry, Gilbert stroked her wet hair and said, “Come on, don’t be angry. I didn’t mean to block you. My grandmother was next to me at the time, and I was afraid she would answer the call. That was why I blocked you for a short while. If I had known you would be so angry, I wouldn’t have blocked you.”

He spoke with sincerity and remorse. As angry as Kisa was, she did not go to the point of being unreasonable. “You were with your grandma?” Kisa looked at him.

Gilbert nodded. “Mhm, I regretted it after I hung up the phone. I wanted to call your back to say sorry, but then Grandma came in. I was afraid that she would find out

about our relationship, so that was why I did that.”

Kisa said nothing, her silence seemingly as if assessing the credibility of his words.

“Actually, it’s my fault; I’m useless. I haven’t been able to clear up the

misunderstanding between Grandma and you. I said I would make Grandma accept you, but I still don’t have a clue how to do that. I’m really useless…” Gilbert suddenly sounded dejected and blamed himself.

He was confident and arrogant, and his sudden self–denial left Kisa uncomfortable. Compared to this, she liked a confident and arrogant Gilbert more. Seeing that he was still blaming himself, Kisa could not stand it and said, “Well, you can’t be blamed for this. After all, your grandmother is unwilling to talk

about the past, and we don’t know where to start. I don’t blame you for being unable to solve it, as the misunderstanding between your grandmother and me is a real dead end.”

“So you are not angry anymore?” he asked tentatively.

Kisa said nothing. She was less angry now but still upset when she thought of his outrageous behavior just now.

Seeing her silence, Gilbert pursed his lips and said no more, just got up and walked


Kisa snorted when Gilbert left, thinking, ‘See, he just doesn’t have much patience.‘ But he came back with a hair dryer in his hand.

“You need to dry your hair quickly. It is not good to let it stay wet for too long,” Gilbert said softly, then plugged the hairdryer into a power source and thoughtfully blew her


Kisa said nothing, but deep down inside, she was emotionally touched. ‘He always seems to have a way of stirring my emotions,‘ she said in her mind.

The three children were bored watching TV in the living room. So Andrew and Ada went to the door of Kisa’s room to eavesdrop on what their father and Kisa were doing. As they got there, the door suddenly opened.

Kisa looked at the two children and was transfixed for a second. “What are you two doing here?”

Ada hurriedly looked away. “Nothing. I just happened to pass by here.” She then walked toward the kitchen in all seriousness.

Kisa shook her head in amusement and then looked at Andrew.

Andrew bent down to pick up a toy car on the floor. “My toy car ran this way. I came to pick it up.” He then ran toward Blake.

As much as that serious look on their faces amused Kisa, they also reminded her of a serious problem.

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