Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 864

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 864

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 864

Chapter 864 Endless Walt

Gilbert lowered his eyes and looked at the caller ID on the phone screen; it was the Kooper residence’s landline number. A bad feeling washed through him, and he answered the phone with a frown.

“Mr. Kooper, come back quickly. Something has happened to Mrs. Kooper Sr.” It was George speaking.

Gilbert’s heart sank, and he subconsciously gripped his cell phone. George was still on the phone, sobbing, seemingly in grief. Gilbert tensed up, his hand on the steering wheel shivering. He made a sudden U–turn and sped off toward the Kooper residence, and that abrupt change of direction flung the box off the seat onto the foot well, smashing the cake inside into a lump of creamy mess, just like something important in his heart shattered into pieces and could not be put together again.

Kisa had already prepared the meal. The table was full of delicious dishes that gave out an appetizing aroma, but there was no one at the table. She was sitting straight on the couch, staring out the window in a daze, feeling restless inside. She wrung her hands anxiously while waiting for Jensen and Gilbert to arrive. There was a wall clock on the wall. She looked up at it and saw that it was sometime after four. She had just spoken to Gilbert over the phone an hour ago, and Gilbert said he was on his way and would be with her soon. But an hour had passed, and he should have arrived long ago. Whether he departed from the GK International Building or the Kooper residence, an hour was long enough. So she wondered why he had not


She wanted to call him and ask where he was but was afraid he was driving. She did not dare to disturb him driving in this weather for fear of causing an accident. Kisa pursed her lips, clenched her hands, and continued to wait. But as time passed, the restlessness in her got stronger. She hated this kind of waiting; it felt so uneasy as if

there was no end to it.

Another half hour passed, and Gilbert had still not shown up. She clenched her hands, leaned forward to pick up the phone on the coffee table, and called him. The phone rang, but no one answered. She frowned and redialed again, but still, no one answered. This time, she could not sit still anymore and hurriedly got up to go outside. ‘One and a half hours have passed, and Gilbert should have arrived a long time ago. Even if not, he couldn’t have not answered my phone. Unless… Unless something has happened.‘ The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. She went to the cabinet by the door, and opened it to take out an umbrella.


Just as Kisa took the umbrella out, a loud thunderclap sounded in the sky. Kisa shuddered and looked out the window in awe. It was almost completely dark, and the sky was so dreadful that it looked like it would collapse. A strong sense of unease and fear surged inside her to the lightning flashes and thunder clapping. Her eyes started to well up with emotions. Suddenly, she hated Gilbert for not keeping his word.

‘He said he would come right away, but he never did. He keeps me waiting with anxiety and fear. He said he wanted to surprise me, but that so–called surprise is slowly turning into a scare. I don’t want any surprises. I just want him to appear in front of me now.‘

She wiped her tears with her arm, then hurriedly pulled open the door and walked out. Just as she reached the elevator, the elevator doors opened. She was too stunned to speak when she saw the people inside the elevator.

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