Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 866

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 866

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 866

Chapter 866 He Wanted to Kill the Warden

She told herself that if Gilbert still did not answer the call, she would not wait for him.

The phone soon came through, and it was ringing, but Gilbert still did not answer.

She chuckled with sadness, thinking, ‘So this is the surprise you gave me? He vowed that day to be with me on my birthday. But he broke his promise. He could have called if he had an emergency. Why keep me waiting so anxiously?‘ The waiting had now turned into resentment; Kisa took a deep breath and put the phone away.

The warden had crawled over to the cabinet and leaned against it, his eyes darting around with fear and caution.

Kisa walked over slowly and squatted down in front of him while Jensen got up and stood behind her, seemingly afraid that the warden would harm her. Kisa pursed her lips and then asked the warden in a deep voice, “Do you remember the fire at Calthon Women’s Prison a few years ago?”

The warden shuddered and then suddenly burst into tears at the mention of the prison fire. Kisa looked at him with a frown and heard him slurring, “The fire, I remember. Of course, I remember. T-The most regrettable thing I have done in my life is to conspire with someone to set that fire.”

Kisa was shocked at hearing the warden’s confession that he was related to the fire. She quickly asked, “Who did you conspire with?”

“M–Mr. Kooper, t–that powerful man, CEO of GK Pictures.”

The revelation came as a bolt from the blue. Kisa was transfixed in place and heard nothing that the warden said subsequently. Only Gilbert’s name was lingering in her ears. ‘He said that he was

conspiring with Gilbert to set the fire. Gilbert? How could it be Gilbert?‘ She glared at the warden and hissed, “You better tell me the truth, or I will chop off your hands and feet and feed them to the dogs.”

Kisa rarely showed such a sinister look; the warden was visibly shaken. “I’m telling the truth. That man was the one who ordered me to start a fire in prison and make it look like an accident. Because of this, he hunted me for years. I always hope he will be punished as soon as possible, so I don’t have to hide anymore. That hypocrite clearly said that after it was done, he would pay me with a sum of money that could last me a lifetime. But that day, he asked me to go up a hill; he wanted me dead. I was injured and ran for my life, even rolling down the hill. But I survived. Since then, I have gone into hiding. But after all these years, he still hasn’t stopped hunting me. Recently, I was again pursued by a group of men, from whose conversation I knew it

was Gilbert who sent them. They said that they had to bring me back before Jensen did, and if I resisted, they would just kill me. I would have been long dead if Jensen’s men hadn’t saved me in time.”

Kisa’s body stiffened as she listened to the warden’s wailing. The phrase ‘they had to bring me back before Jensen did‘ was ringing in her ears. It reminded her of that night in Athadale. That day, she heard Gilbert talking on the phone by the hotel room window, saying that he must find the warden before Jensen did. It turned out that he wanted to silence the warden by killing him. She could not stop trembling at the thought of this.

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