Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 877

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 877

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 877

Chapter 877 Broke My Promise Again

After patting around his body for a while, Gilbert still could not find anything.

He frowned deeply and suddenly remembered leaving his phone in the car.

He stood up abruptly and stumbled outside.

The woman’s blood was still stained on the door frame.

The sight of it hurt his eyes and made him feel suffocated, so he did not dare to look

at it.

‘All I hope is that Kisa can understand my actions earlier on and realize that I was merely putting on a show. Otherwise… Otherwise…’ Gilbert did not dare to think further.

He continued striding down the stairs.

Kelvin was leaning against the door while smoking. When he saw Gilbert, he quickly stopped him.

“Gilbert, what you said to Kisa earlier on…

“Where’s she?”

Gilbert asked abruptly in a tense voice.

Kelvin pursed his lips, “She left long ago. I couldn’t stop her.”

Hearing this, Gilbert’s heart instantly sank further.

‘If Kisa had realized that I was putting on a show earlier, she wouldn’t have left without a second thought. At the very least, she would’ve said something to Kelvin,‘ he thought.

“Gilbert…” Kelvin took a puff of his cigarette and continued worriedly, “Kisa must’ve gotten into a car accident just now. The front of her car was dented.”

Gilbert felt his heart clench.

He did not dare to dilly–dally and quickly rushed to the car to find his phone.

His phone was under the car seat.

Gilbert bent down to pick up his phone and spotted the pink–colored cake that had been smashed to pieces.

He felt a twinge in his heart as tears welled up in his

in his eyes.

‘It’s her birthday today. I promised I’d spend her birthday with her, but I broke my promise again,‘ he thought.

Gilbert unlocked his phone. Countless missed calls and unread messages came into view, and they were all from the same woman.

He could tell how badly she wanted to see him at the time.

[Why aren’t you here yet, Gilbert?]

[I’m done cooking. Where are you?]

[Where’s the surprise you mentioned? You’re a liar, Gilbert.]

[The prison guard is here. When are you coming over, Gilbert?]

When Gilbert read the text messages, tears gradually welled up

in his eyes.

He held the back of his hand against the tip of his nose and felt his heart throbbing in pain.

With trembling hands, he dialed the woman’s number.

‘Her phone is off!‘ he thought.

Gilbert dialed her number two more times, yet her phone was still off.

‘How could this be? Did her battery die or is she not picking up on purpose?‘

Gilbert was feeling more and more panicked.

Suddenly, he thought of the prison guard.

‘Kisa mentioned that the prison guard was with her. Could the prison guard have

made false accusations and said that I was the one who set the fire? And Kisa came

over just now to ask me about it? If that is the case, what have I done? I just admitted to her that I was behind the fire,‘ he thought.

At this thought, Gilbert felt his blood run cold.

He stumbled out of the car and almost fell.

Fortunately, Kelvin came over and helped him up.

Kelvin rarely saw him in such a state. He asked Gilbert in a panic, “What happened?”

“I need to find her. I need to set things straight with her.”

After hearing his words, Kelvin figured that Gilbert had said such heartless words to

put on a show in front of Madalyn.

‘Gilbert’s show was too realistic. Regardless, Kisa knows how Mrs. Kooper Sr. feels about them, so she must understand Gilbert’s intentions. She won’t misunderstand him,‘ Kelvin thought.

He tugged Gilbert’s shirt and said hurriedly, “You can do this tomorrow. It’s nighttime and pouring; it’s way too dangerous to drive.”

However, Gilbert brushed Kelvin’s hand aside in a panic.

He could not wait even for a moment. Whenever he thought of the possibility he imagined, he felt incredibly panicked.

After telling Kelvin to take care of Madalyn, Gilbert frantically got into a different car.

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