Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 880

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 880

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 880

Chapter 880 I Thought Blake Was My Child

Gilbert froze.

Then, a pair of small hands hugged Gilbert by the waist.

Blake stood in front of him and said in a childlike voice that brimmed with panic, “. Don’t hit my papa.”

Gilbert’s fist froze mid–air.

He stared at Blake intensely, “You… What did you call me just now?”

Mia ran over hurriedly and pulled Blake toward her. Then, she said in a panic, “Do you know how dangerous that was? Uncle Gilbert is angry, so don’t get close to him.”

Blake clenched his little fist and said to Gilbert, “Uncle Gilbert, don’t hit my papa.”

‘Uncle Gilbert? Papa? Well, Jensen is Blake’s papa, so it’s not surprising for him to call Jensen daddy when he panicked. For a moment, I thought Blake was my child,’ thought Gilbert.

He suppressed the annoying thoughts in his head and asked Jensen icily, “So you’re saying you won’t hand over the prison guard no matter what?”

“I told you I won’t hand him over unless Kisa agrees.”

Gilbert sneered and nodded..

“Alright. Good!” his voice brimmed with disappointment and iciness.

He continued, “In the future… We’re no longer brothers.”

Then, he turned to Jensen with a look of mixed emotions before turning to leave.

‘As expected, the elder brother who always defended me is gone,‘ thought Gilbert.

Blake ran after Gilbert a little.

“Daddy,” he mumbled.

However, he ended up not running up to Gilbert. Instead, he watched as his father

stormed off.

Mia turned to Blake with a look of mixed emotions.

They all heard Blake say, “daddy.”

‘It seems like he knew about Gilbert being his daddy long ago. But why didn’t he

reunite with Gilbert? Didn’t he always want to find his daddy and mommy?‘ wondered


At this thought, she turned to Jensen in confusion. To her surprise, Jensen was looking at Blake with a complex expression.

Moments later, Jensen beckoned to Jensen, “Come here, Blake.”

Blake clenched his little hands and trudged up to Jensen.

Jensen held his small frame and said in a low voice, “Since when did you know that Gilbert’s your daddy?”

Blake pursed his lips in silence. After a long pause, he spoke, “I found out long ago.”

“No wonder!” exclaimed Mia.

She continued, “No wonder he liked being with Gilbert and Kisa so much. Turns out, he knew everything.”

Jensen asked Blake, “Then why didn’t you tell them?”

Blake shook his head without hesitation, “I can’t. I overheard you and mama saying that everyone would be in danger if I reunited with daddy and mommy, so I’m scared.”

Jensen pursed his lips.

‘That’s true. Adrien said he’d kill Blake if he reunited with his biological parents,’ he thought.

Mia patted Blake’s head, “Don’t be scared; things will be fine.”

Blake lowered his head. Suddenly, he said sadly, “I really want to reunite with daddy and mommy, but I’m scared. I’m scared that it’ll be bad for daddy and mommy and papa and mama. I want everyone to be fine, so it’s fine even if I never reunite with daddy and mommy.”

Blake’s sensibility was heart–wrenching.

Jensen patted Blake’s head and pulled him into his arms.

“Don’t worry; you’ll get the chance. I promise you this, you’ll definitely have the

chance to reunite with your daddy and mommy.”

“But papa…”

Blake pushed him away. His confused expression had a hint of anger, “Why did you frame daddy?”

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