Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 922

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 922

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 922

Chapter 922 Give as Good as I Take

Adrien suddenly sighed, sounding self–recriminating.

“It is not your fault. It is my fault; I was the one who caused this to happen to Jensen,

Kisa said, her eyes narrowing grimly. “So, I will avenge him.” Not only Jensen’s revenge but also hers. She would seek revenge against Gilbert. ‘Heh, you played with my feelings, didn’t you? Gilbert, do you think I am the best person in the world to fool and manipulate? This time, I will give as good as I take.‘

The rain poured down. Gilbert was standing in the courtyard, letting the rain beat down on him.

Madalyn stood at the doorway and called out anxiously, but Gilbert did not seem to hear her. She tugged urgently at Kelvin. “Come on, Kelvin, pull him in. He is still weak. He can’t stand in the rain like this. Come on!”

“Just let him be. Maybe he will feel better this way.” Kelvin looked at Gilbert in the rain and spoke with distress. ‘Emotional wounds are much more difficult to heal than physical ones. It is not a bad idea for Gilbert to relieve his anguish by penalizing himself physically,’ he thought to himself.

Madalyn was so anxious that she cried, hissing at Gilbert, “Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you. I will let you do anything you want. You always wanted to be with that woman, didn’t you? I agree, I agree. What else do you want, Gilbert?”

Gilbert’s eyes were bloodshot as he looked sadly at Madalyn, but he just said in his mind, “It is too late. Everything is too late. Kisa and I could never be together again. I have confessed to her, and now that the key witness is dead, I can’t explain myself anymore.” Gilbert was arrogant and conceited all his life

and always got whatever he wanted. But at this moment, he was drowned in despair. That intense grief and powerlessness tore him alive, and the only thing he wanted now was to get relief.

It rained cats and dogs for five days and nights in a row in Calthon, as if the heavens were sad and cried with them. On the sixth day, the sky above Calthon finally cleared up. Even on a hot summer day, people welcomed the long–lost sunshine and found it lovely.

Kisa carefully wiped Jensen’s face with a damp towel in the hospital ward. It had been a few days since Jensen was transferred to the general ward. The doctor said that if there were no other complications and the wounds healed, Jensen could be discharged and go home.

After Kisa finished wiping Jensen down, she sat in the chair next to the bed, then took his hand and talked to him, as usual. The doctor said that talking to him more might wake him up. For the past few days, she had been caring for Jensen in the hospital and did not go anywhere.

She felt it strange that Mia did not show up in the past few days, wondering if she was busy taking care of Blake. But then she knew that was unlikely, as Blake was at school during the week. With Mia’s obsessive feelings for Jensen, she could not possibly miss out on visiting him. She had also called Mia, but Mia did not answer. So she thought perhaps Mia was busy with other things.

Kisa put the back of Jensen’s hand to her face and murmured, “Will you wake up soon? As long as you wake up, I will do whatever you want. I won’t see Gilbert anymore. I won’t be obsessed with hatred anymore.

Outside the ward, Gilbert was staring morosely at the scene in the ward.

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