Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 925

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 925

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 925

Chapter 925 A Big Gift for You

“Uncle Adrien, I thought I heard you guys plotting against Gilbert earlier. Do you have any grudge against Gilbert and Kisa? I think-”

“These things are too complicated and not for you to ask about or get involved in.” Adrien suddenly interrupted him. Instead of being stern, his voice had a hint of doting. “Just remember, later on, I will have a big gift for you.”

Peter got a little perplexed. “Uncle Adrien, why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because…” Adrien looked at his familiar face and chuckled, “I have been friends with your father for many years, and so I consider his child my own. Besides, I don’t have any children of my own.”

Peter smiled, feeling a little embarrassed. He somehow found some of Adrien’s words and demeanor strange, but he could not put his finger on them.

“Mr. Tanner, Mrs. Case is here to see you.” Just then, a bodyguard reported in.

Adrien smiled. “Invite her in.”

“Aye, Mr. Tanner.”

Peter stood up at once. “Since you have a guest, I will excuse myself.”

“Hmm, don’t wander off in Calthon. Take care of that wound on your arm, too, as it gets infected easily in the heat.”

Peter smiled and rolled up his cuffs. “I have never even shown this injury before but you can still tell. You really have a keen eye.”


“Since I promised your father I would take good care of you in Calthon. I will keep my word for sure.”

As they spoke, Carolyn walked in.

Peter did not like Carolyn and Sharon, nor understand why Adrien was so concerned about Carolyn. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Adrien was not like someone with no class. But, he could not really comment on that since beauty was in the beholder’s eye.

“Mr. Tanner, you seemed to have a bad day last time. Are you okay?”

After the last time, Carolyn saw Adrien’s dreadful side. She had been much more restrained. She was still dressed to the nines, wearing a long, sexy dress that did not suit her, but at least she was not as flamboyant as she was before. She was standing

in front of Adrien, looking a little nervous. In fact, she was still a little afraid of him. But she had not seen him for a few days and missed him like crazy. She was waiting for him to take the initiative to contact her and apologize to her. But she waited, checking her phone every day, but did not even get a text message from him. Carolyn stared at her phone all day long at home and was going crazy. Christopher even said she was like being possessed. At last, she could not help but come to see him today. Only two men in this world could make her disregard her ego and please. them with humility. One was the Kooper family’s eldest son, David, and the other was this man, Adrien.

Adrien was back to his usual gentlemanly self. He smiled at Carolyn and said, “I was out of control last time. I hope you didn’t take offense, Mrs. Case.”

No, no, Mr. Tanner. I’m glad you are okay.”

“Ha–ha, relax, Mrs. Case. Come on, have a seat.” Adrien smiled, took her to sit on the couch, and ordered the waiter to bring some juice and food.

Seeing Adrien was still as gentle and considerate to her as before, she was secretly pleased, and there was a touch of shyness on her face again.

Adrien took that all in, and a quick snicker flashed across his face. ‘Soon, these people will be going to hell!‘ he said in his mind.

Kisa locked herself in her room for two days and two nights. The curtains in the room. were drawn so tightly that no light could penetrate. In the darkness, Kisa sat dazedly on the bed with her knees in her arms, her face still streaked with tears. She had been thinking about revenge for the past two days, feeling that all she had left to do now that she was alive was to take revenge.

Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door.

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