Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 932

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 932

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 932

Chapter 932 Never Have a Home Together

“Even if you are filming, I will make the meal at home, and you can eat it as soon as you come home,” Gilbert casually said.

The mention of the word ‘home‘ tugged at Kisa’s heartstrings, but she quickly

regained her composure. ‘I will never have a home together with this man,’ she said to herself in her mind.

Blake was crouching alone under a tree in the garden of the Kooper residence, looking so lonely that it was almost heartbreaking. So Ada and Andrew brought Madalyn out.

“Grandma, Blake is always depressed these days. Can you please cajole him? Andrew and I have not been able to coax him.” Ada looked at Blake and said to Madalyn worriedly.

Since Jensen’s accident, Mia had left Blake here. Blake had not smiled since that day and had become much quieter, not as cheerful as when he first came to the Kooper


Madalyn felt sad, too, when she thought of Jensen. Though she cared most about Gilbert, her grandson, she still had some feelings for Jensen. Looking at Blake reminded her of Jensen as a child. She sighed and slowly walked toward Blake.

“Blake, what are you doing out here? It is hot outside. Let’s go inside.”

Blake shook his head as he looked toward the main entrance. “I miss Dad. They say he has been sleeping and won’t wake up again.”

It hurt Madalyn to hear that. She took Blake’s hand and said, “Those people are talking nonsense. Your godfather will surely wake up. Look at me. I also slept for so long but still woke up.”

“Yeah, Blake. Don’t you worry.” Ada held Blake’s hand and comforted him.

Andrew took Blake’s arm and said, “Yes, Blake, Uncle Jensen is so tough; he will surely come out of it soon. So don’t worry too much. Take good care of yourself, or your godmother will also worry about you.”

Blake nodded with reddened eyes.

“Come on, let’s go to the toy room and have some fun. When Daddy comes home, we will ask about Uncle Jensen,” Ada said, bringing Blake back into the house. Andrew

hurriedly followed.

Madalyn was about to enter the house when Davian suddenly came running in with gusto. She was puzzled and asked, “Isn’t Gilbert at the office? What are you doing here?”

“Mr. Kooper asked me to bring back some important documents. He will read them tonight,” Davian said and showed a stack of documents to her.

“Gilbert is not in the office at the moment?”

Davian ran into the house in a flash as if he had not heard her question. Madalyn shook her head with discontent and wondered why Gilbert hired Davian as his assistant. She also became suspicious because of Davian’s sudden appearance.

She was delighted when Gilbert said he was going to the office yesterday, thinking that everything would be fine as long as he could pull himself together. When she did not see him come home

yesterday evening, she called him, but his cell phone was turned off. She got anxious all night and called again in the following early morning. Gilbert answered and said he was at the office. But if Gilbert was at the office, Davian

would not have to send the documents back.

Just as Madalyn was wondering, Davian had already brought the documents to Gilbert’s study. When he came out and was about to leave, he could not help but talk

to Madalyn. “Mrs. Kooper Sr., you wouldn’t expect Mr. Kooper to fall in love again, would you?”

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