Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 941

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 941

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 941

Chapter 941 In The End, You’re Nothing At All!

“Don’t ever come back here in the future,” Kisa’s figure froze, but she did not look at Mia. Instead, she looked at the pale–faced man on the bed.

It was so long ago that she had not heard his gentle voice. As she recalled the image of him smiling, her heart hurt deeply.

“I’m sorry…” Kisa agonizingly said those two words, but Jensen did not hear them.

With a cold expression, Mia said, ” Jensen is already in this state. What use is an apology now? If you have just a sliver of affection and a bit of guilt for him, then from now on, don’t bring that man here to mock him. How much you both love each other is your business. Just don’t come back here ever again.”

Kisa pursed her lips as her heart filled with guilt and regret. Gilbert held her hand tightly and glanced at the unconscious Jensen with a complicated gaze. Thinking of the scene that day, his heart was also filled with guilt.

He told Mia, “If you want to blame someone, blame me. All of this has nothing to do

with her.”

Mia gave a scornful laugh and sat beside Jensen. Her tone was filled with sorrow,

“Blame you? Heh, what am I blaming you for? I just feel that it’s all so unfair. Jensen did so much for Kisa and would always put her as the first priority in all affairs. However, he ended up like this. Heh, how ironic, truly so ironic!”

Remembering how well Jensen had treated her in the past, Kisa broke down sobbing. Her heart filled with suppressed sorrow and guilt.

“I’m sorry!” She wept out loud. Ultimately, she could not stand the guilt in her heart

and ran out.

“Kisa!” Gilbert worriedly shouted out for her. He hastily ran outside to chase after her.

Mia looked at Jensen longingly. She held onto Jensen’s hand and said in self- mockery, “I cursed that woman again. I even lectured her until she cried. If you were awake, you would have definitely scolded me. But it doesn’t matter since my heart felt upset and angry for you. It seems that woman ultimately treats you with not a hint of affection.”

“Besides, setting aside the actual cause of this accident, just based on the surface- level information, it’s all because of her telling Gilbert information about the warden. That’s what got Gilbert to chase after you, which caused you to be in the accident.”

“She should have guilt in her heart, but just look at her. She’s still all lovey–dovey with that man and even gifted your J & K Film Group to him.”

“Heh, you tell me, what are you to her in her heart? In the end, you’re nothing at all!”

Mia continued as her tears fell.

“Look at yourself. How silly you are. You got nothing after all that work and even landed into this state.”

“I told you from the start to not meddle anymore, that we should go somewhere where it’s just you and me and enjoy life together, but you wouldn’t listen.”

“You said in the past that you hate the Kooper family, so bring out your true hatred! Did your mercy get even the slightest pity and concern in exchange?”

“You said that you love Kisa, but you would never pursue her directly to her face. You’re just a coward. You would only take out your anger at me!” Mia complained to him on and on.

Suddenly, she lay down on his body and cried sadly. However, she did not notice that Jensen’s hand moved slightly by his side.

Kisa ran out of the courtyard with a breath. She held onto the wall outside the yards, covering her mouth with subdued sobbing. Gilbert chased out, worried. Seeing her appear so upset and in agony, his mood sunk as well.

He slowly walked over and stared at her sorrowful look for a long time. Then only did he ask, “Jensen’s already become like this. Do you…. really still not hate me?”

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