Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 951

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 951

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 951

Chapter 951 I Didn’t Mean To

“You haven’t had dinner yet, right? I brought you some food,” said Kisa while ignoring Gilbert’s calm expression, putting the food directly in front of him.

Gilbert was a little tired after a day’s work. He put down his pen, pinched his brows, and asked her, “Why are you here?”

“I came to visit you,” Kisa leaned against the edge of the table and looked at him with a smile as if she had completely forgotten about their quarrel yesterday. She even opened the packing and served those dishes to him tenderly.

Gilbert could not keep his face straight while facing her smiling face and flattery. He looked at the steaming food in front of him and asked her, “Have you eaten?”

“I haven’t. I’ll lose my appetite eating alone. I’d rather want to have dinner with you.”

Gilbert was happy with Kisa’s response, but the worry and uneasiness in his heart could never dissipate. He picked up a bowl of food and said, “Don’t eat here. There are too many documents on the table. Let’s eat at the coffee table.”

“Sure.” Kisa nodded happily and helped Gilbert move the dishes to the coffee table.

Unsure if it was the oily surface or the heat, a bowl of food accidentally slipped from Kisa’s hands and spilled onto the desk, staining several documents and Kisa herself. Gilbert’s face darkened as he hurriedly pushed Kisa aside to wipe the oil on the document with tissues. Kisa staggered from being pushed by him. She looked at his anxious look with cold eyes but remained silent. novelbin

No matter hard Gilbert tried, the oil on the document could not be wiped off. The white paper was full of oil residue, somewhat blurring the writing. Gilbert held his head as a hint of irritability appeared

between his brows.

Kisa took out a few pieces of tissues to wipe the oil on the table. She looked at Gilbert and said anxiously, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. What should we do now? Are those documents crucial?”

Gilbert did not respond but placed his hands on the table’s edge, silently gazing at the stained documents.

Kisa pursed her lips. As she was about to wipe the stained documents after wiping the table, Gilbert suddenly grabbed her wrist, clearly holding back his anger.” Enough. Stop wiping.”

Kisa stared at Gilbert and was about to tear up, “Sorry, Gilbert. It’s all my fault. What should I do now? I shouldn’t have disturbed your work. I…”

“Enough. It’s alright, Gilbert flatly interrupted her as his eyes fell on her oily hands and clothes. He sighed, “There is a bathroom inside. Clean yourself up.”

“But those documents….*

“It’s okay. I’ll have Davian draft it again and get the other party’s signature later,” Gilbert said flatly. Fatigue was clearly evident in his voice.

Kisa lowered her eyes, not saying more, and just went silently to the bathroom.

The anxiety and guilt on Kisa’s face instantly disappeared as soon as she entered the bathroom. Instead, it was replaced with a smirk, as if she was trying to mock herself

or that man.

Kisa slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes in front of the mirror.

Her acting skills had clearly reached a new height for being able to cry at her own will, feeling relieved whenever she saw Gilbert putting on an anxious or irritable


After lathering up her hands, Kisa tried to turn the faucet when it suddenly fell straight off. A burst of water from the water pipe came splashing toward her.


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