Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 960

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 960

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 960

Chapter 960 Wants Her to Blend In

Peter led the way and brought them all the way to the highest floor of the club.

Rumor had it that the top floor was also the most luxurious floor. There was plenty of entertainment, but only certain people could get inside.

So, the top floor was not packed and was rather quiet and private.

Adrien had been expecting them.

He waved at Kisa and Jolina as soon as they stepped into the lobby.

“Kisa, over here.”

Kisa looked over and saw Adrien sitting in a grand booth, and she walked over with Jolina, sitting opposite Adrien.

Jolina was a little restrained and would not lift her head up.

Peter was sitting right in front of her, and his gaze had never shifted away from her.

A waiter came over with two glasses of cocktail after they sat down. Then, the waiter placed the cocktails in front of Kisa and Jolina respectively.

“Thanks.” Kisa thanked the waiter before looking at Adrien. “Uncle Adrien, your club is huge.”

“Ha-ha. You’re too kind. You should come here more often if you like it here.”


Kisa smiled and took a sip of the cocktail.

Jolina was not a drinker. She sat there for some time before she finally lifted her head and looked at Adrien as if it took her a lot of courage. “Mr. Tanner, M-Mr. Webb told us you have something to discuss with Kisa and me. May I know what it is?”

“Oh. I’ve been to the set and discovered that you could act pretty well. You surprised me. So, I’m just thinking of making you the female lead in the next show I’m going to invest in.”

“Me?” Jolina was shocked. Then, she threw a suspicious look at Peter.

Adrien took a sip of his drink calmly before he said with a smile, “My gut feelings

never failed me. The commitment I see in you deserves an opportunity.”

“But… I don’t have much experience.” Jolina said unconfidently.

Adrien smiled gently. “Experience has to be honed with opportunity. How are you going to have any experience without an opportunity?”

Kisa listened to Adrien silently. She thought that what he said made a lot of sense.

“Peter, you should bring Ms. Wayne to have some fun. I…”

“I’m good!” Jolina waved her hands hastily before Adrien could finish speaking. “I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to sit here.”

It was obvious that she did not want to spend time with Peter alone.

Anger flooded Peter’s veins once again.

He ignored what Jolina said. Then, he grabbed her and took her away.

Kisa saw what had happened, and she was about to stop Peter.

Then, Adrien said to her with a smile, “It’s fine. Peter means no harm. He just wants her to blend into his circle. He had never been so serious with a woman before.”

Kisa furrowed her brows as she stared at Peter and Jolina walking farther away from her.

She felt that Peter and Adrien planned everything to make Jolina come here.

However, Adrien was a respectable elder to Kisa, after all. Peter would not dare to do anything bad to Jolina with Adrien’s presence.

“Let go of me!”

Jolina shook Peter off in an empty corner. Then, she turned around and wanted to return to Kisa.

Peter suppressed his anger as he said coldly behind Jolina’s back, “Uncle Adrien needs to talk with Kisa in private. Can’t you notice that he didn’t want us to be there? Are you sure you want to go back?”

Jolina immediately halted her steps.

Peter lifted the edge of his mouth after seeing how Jolina froze in place. He strode toward her and grabbed her arm. “Come on, Let’s have some fun.”

Jolina wanted to shake him off, but Peter forcefully dragged her into a private room.

On the other side, Kisa’s eyes wandered around the club.

Suddenly, Adrien asked her, “Why did you reconcile with Gilbert? You’re up to something, aren’t you?”

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