Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 968

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 968

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 968

Chapter 968 Your Husband!

As the voice stopped, Peter could be seen next to Jolina. He peremptorily hugged her in his arms, but she frowned, trying to free herself.

Peter suddenly said to her ear coldly. “What’s wrong? Do you want to be toyed by those dandies?”


Jolina furiously glared at him. The disgust on her face could not be concealed. Peter was unhappy but quickly looked away, afraid he would be so angry that he would lose his mind and hit her.

1 see. She’s your woman, Peter.”

A dandy smiled as he eased the tension around the table, “You should’ve told us. Since she’s your woman, we won’t dare to lay our hands on her.”

Peter grunted coldly as he immediately sat down beside Jolina. Felicity rolled her eyes and said with a smile, ‘Guys, let’s play cards. There are so many people now, so it must be fun.”

“How do we play? Felicity, do you have a better way to play?” Ronald tenderly stared at Felicity as he asked. She then touched her chin with her index finger as she thought seriously.

Kisa gazed at Felicity. She could not help but secretly wonder, Felicity is enchanting. playful, and audacious when she has fun. Will she really like a nerd like Davian? Gilbert is such a bad matchmaker.”

While she thought that, she heard Felicity say to everyone with a smile, ‘There are so many people now. There are males and females, and things are more fun when both genders work together. So, let’s play in groups. Form a pair with the opposite sex.”

After saying that, she then looked at Peter and Jolina as she said, “You two are hugging so tightly. Both of you might as well just form a pair.”

Peter grunted but remained silent while Jolina pressed her lips not daring to speak up as well..

Ronald then gently said to Felicity as he smiled, “Shall we form a pair?”

‘Sure. But you can’t lose. Because if you lose, the girl will have to face the punishment.”

Kisa was speechless. Felicity is putting me in a bad spot.’

Ronald dotingly rubbed her hair, “Don’t worry. Are you really doubting my card skill?”

While Kisa was looking at their intimate interaction, she could not help but secretly think, ‘If Davian were here right now, what would his reaction be?’

Peter and Jolina were a pair. Felicity and Ronald were another pair.

Other than the two pairs, there were still four males and four females at the table. Kisa was one of the four ladies.

Not wanting to play this game from the beginning, Kisa took advantage of the remaining time the players took to pair up, quickly turn around, and quietly walk

away. Unexpectedly, Felicity knew what Kisa thought as Felicity grabbed Kisa’s arm when she turned around.

“Ms. Kisa, where are you going? Pair up quickly.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how to play this game. You guys play. Have fun.”

“Ha-ha!” Felicity laughed suddenly. “You don’t need to know how to play this game. Didn’t you hear what I said just now? The guys will play the cards. We’re the bargaining chips. Whichever man loses, the lady of that pair will be punished.”

Kisa was speechless. ‘What is Felicity trying to do?’

“Felicity, we’re done. All of us have paired up.” A dandy shouted at Felicity.

Felicity glanced at them, then said to Kisa with a smile, “Okay, it’s not that I want to force you to play, but we still need one more lady. Look, the three of them have already paired up with the ladies. Marshall is the only one left. He’s the youngest and the most honest guy. Just pair up with him for his sake. Or else, everybody would end up laughing at him.”

While she was talking, Marshall was piteously hanging his head, looking like a little pet that nobody wanted.

“That’s right, Mrs. Kooper. Even if you lose, the punishment won’t be harsh. After all, we are quite afraid of your husband. So, join us and play with us.”

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