Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 970

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 970

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 970

Chapter 970 Lost

The attendant quickly finished shuffling the cards and distributed them.

Peter gazed icily at Kenneth as if he had locked him as his opponent.

In an instant, the attendant had dealt out the cards.

All six men picked up their cards.

Meanwhile, the women sitting beside them leaned closer to look at the cards

Kisa glanced at the cards in Marshall’s hands and immediately felt her heart sink.

‘His highest card is only an Ace! There are two decks of cards, so where did the four Kings and eight 2’s go? Marshall’s cards look like a phone number; looking at them gives me a headache,’ thought Kisa.

Meanwhile, Jolina stared at Peter’s card, unblinking.

‘Jolina’s face is all scrunched up; Peter must not have good cards either,’ thought Kisa.

Kisa turned to look at Kenneth. He and the woman next to him both had smug expressions.

‘Looks like they have good cards,’ she thought.

Then, she glanced at Ronald.

Ronald was staring coolly at the cards in his hands. He looked as still as a statue.

Felicity was calm and did not even bother looking at Ronald’s cards. Instead, she sat aside and drank her alcohol.

“Alright. The person with three of Diamonds starts.”

“Me, me, me… I’ll start.”

Marshall exclaimed in excitement while throwing out a 3.

Based on ascending order, Kenneth’s turn was next.

“Pair of Queens!”

‘Tsk. He threw out a pair of Queens at the very beginning. It seems like Kenneth has some strong cards,’ thought Kisa.

She looked at Marshall’s cards worriedly and felt her heart sink momentarily.

Nobody wanted Kenneth’s pair of Queens, so he threw another card out, “Chain!”

Almost half of his cards are gone, it’s no wonder he’s so smug,’ thought Kisa.

She glanced at the chain and turned back to Marshall’s cards.

Sigh! We can’t afford to take them, she thought.

“Bomb!” Ronald also threw out his cards. His cards were coincidentally stacked on top of Kenneth’s

Kenneth snorted and threw out two more cards, ‘Rocket!”

Well, Kenneth lucked out, thought Kisa.

Nobody wanted Kenneth’s chain, so he threw out a four-of-a-kind. Then, he no longer. had any cards left.

There were only five players left in the game.

Ronald was the second to finish the game, and Peter was the third.

Now, there were only three players left.

If another person finished next, the game would end, and the two losers would need to receive their punishments.

Kisa quietly counted the cards in Marshall’s hands.

Thank God. He has less than ten cards; there are only eight. As long as we don’t

need to strip, I’m okay with any amount of alcohol,’ thought Kisa.

As expected, Kenneth and the other man lost.

Kenneth had six cards left, while the other man had three.

The attendant beside them had prepared the alcohol long ago.

Without wasting any time, Kisa grabbed six glasses of alcohol herself.

Meanwhile, the other woman dawdled. She took three glasses of alcohol and took

her time to finish them.

The second round started soon after.

Luck was still on Kenneth’s side. Once again, he got good cards and finished his

cards after a few turns.

On the other hand, Marshall was still the last place.

However, Peter lost this round.

He was one card away from finishing his cards.

Peter was incredibly irritated. He glared at the attendant, “Get someone else to do it. What kind of cards did you get me? My highest card was only Queen, while the rest of my cards looked like a string of phone numbers. Do you think I could get a chain with that? Are you messing with me?”

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Webb. I’ll… I’ll get someone else to do it!”

The attendant was terrified and quickly ran away.

Kenneth snorted smugly, “Your card-playing skills are poor yet you’re blaming others;

how hilarious.”

“Fine. Just you wait,” Peter narrowed his eyes icily.

Felicity pursed her lips.

“Alright, alright. Let’s continue. It should get better this round since we’ve changed our attendant. However, you still need to get your punishment,” she said.

Then, she handed Jolina a glass of alcohol.

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