Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 979

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 979

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 979

Chapter 979 Destroyed Together

The man kicked open the front door of the villa. Peter held onto the still-struggling Jolina while walking in with giant strides.

“Let go of me. Peter, you monster. Let go of me!” Jolina still cursed without care. The cider she drank finally had taken effect.

The effects of the alcohol were kicking in, giving her a lot of courage. She no longer feared this man. Instead, she kicked and punched him, fighting tooth and nail. Peter was upset and threw Jolina onto the floor. Then with a stretch of his extended arm turned on the lights in the living room.

The vast villa was empty, with no one in sight. Peter stared coldly at the woman on the floor. He had wanted this woman to move here many times, but she would not comply and even cursed him. Peter treated her so well. Whatever she wanted, he would give it to her. Yet he could not understand why Jolina still hated him this way. Toward love and affection, she would always not.

Although the floor was carpeted, fewer clothes were worn in the summer. Jolina’s body was hurt from the drop. She held onto her elbow and got up from the floor. Her eyes were red, and she stubbornly stared at Peter, “You’re just a cruel animal!”

“Say that one more time!” Peter initially tried his best to suppress his rage, but Jolina’s curses still brought all his anger out.

His eyes were red with anger. His cruel expression made it seem like he wanted to break the woman into pieces and devour her whole. While at this moment, Jolina was numb from the alcohol and was not scared of him at all. She just wanted to release all the hate and resentment for him that she had hidden inside her heart for

so long.

She tightly gripped both her hands and roared at him, “I said, you’re just a cruel and ruthless animal, you… ugh…”

Before she could finish speaking, Peter suddenly grabbed her throat. “You say I’m an animal. Alright, then I should do something that’s worthy of this horrible name you’ve given me, no?”

Jolina’s face was red from being choked and she could not even say a word. The man’s cold smile slowly approached her…

The night was long and torturous for her! Once the second half of the night began, Jolina started hallucinating from the effects of the alcohol.

Her unfocused eyes stared at Peter. Suddenly, she called out a person’s name Hugh.

Hugh! Hugh!”

That was the man that truly lay deep down in her heart. Peter’s cold gaze glanced at the woman under him.

He suddenly remembered Adrien’s words, “If you can’t have it, destroy it!” He slightly squinted his eyes. His gaze filled with a horrifying chill. He would destroy it once that day came. Her and himself… destroyed together! If she wanted him to grant her wish to be with that man, he would definitely not be able to do it.

“Let me go. I still want to drink. Let go of me!”

Back in Gilbert & Kisa’s house, Kisa was acting like a maniac, with a bottle of alcohol in one hand and a wine glass in the other while singing and stumbling around in the house.

Gilbert could not stop her. Ultimately, he opted to lean on the wall to stare coldly at her. She had been like this since they returned. While they were in the car, it was fine as she had taken a nap. Yet once they had returned home, she had started her drunken mania. She had not stopped to rest at all, all the way until now.

He had known all along that her behavior when drunk was terrible. He pinched the bridge of his sore nose, swearing to himself that he would never let her drink alcohol again. Originally, he had wanted to punish her a little once they came home. Looking at her in this state, he feared she was the one punishing him instead.

He sighed silently. At this point, Gilbert couldn’t be bothered to deal with her. He walked directly to the bathroom to take a shower. Since some of the dangerous items were in the living room. Gilbert had stored them away. Besides, he had purposely locked the front door. Since the woman wanted to go crazy, he would let her

go crazy all she wanted.

It was already one in the morning. After Gilbert took a shower, he went straight to his room to sleep.

He had been working overtime these past few days in a row. Gilbert was already very exhausted. Now, he was being tormented by Kisa for half a night, so he practically fell asleep the moment he fell onto the bed.

However, a heaviness suddenly materialized over him just as he fell into slumber..


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