Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 982

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 982

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 982

Chapter 982 Birthmark

“Stop, Jolina!” Peter roared at the thin figure running anxiously into the alley. Jolina was visibly trembling and almost fell to the ground. However, she did not look back and continued to run forward even faster. She was running away from him like the plague.

Peter narrowed his eyes viciously and prepared to go after her.

When Kisa saw that, she quickly rushed over to Peter to block his way. “Don’t! You’ll ruin her!” Peter was stunned. He stopped and stared at Kisa with a pair of cold and prey-like eyes. “Oh, I’ll ruin her, you say? Shut your mouth. You don’t know anything about us! Do you want to die?!”

Peter had a horrible temper. At first, Kisa did not want to provoke him, but seeing the bruises on Jolina’s body today made her feel pity for her. She looked at Peter and said, “I know you like Jolina, but she does not feel the same way…”

A violent look appeared on Peter’s face when he heard that. “Don’t get angry. I’m telling you the truth. She won’t hide from you if she really likes you. If you want her to like you back, take your time and start small. Make a good impression. You’ll only make her hate you even more if you keep on hurting her like this.”

Peter did not take the advice. Instead, he just laughed coldly, “Who do you think you are? Who are you to educate me? Go away!”

Peter frantically pushed Kisa aside when he saw Jolina about to get away. However, when he was about to take another step, Kisa stood in front of him once again. “I’m not trying to educate you. I’m just…AH!”

Before she could finish speaking, Peter violently grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall. The man’s grip was so strong that it felt worse than Gilbert’s grip.

At that short moment, Kisa felt as if she could not breathe, and her neck hurt so much that it felt like it was going to snap in half. Fear instantly rushed into Kisa’s mind. She struggled in his arms, pulling his collar and sleeves. “L-Let… Let go…”

The man in front of her, who seemed annoyed about what she had said earlier, was staring at her fiercely with a stern and cold look. “You’re so nosy. I’m telling you, from now on, you better not meddle in our problems. Otherwise, I’ll beat you to death!”

After Peter finished his words, he forcefully tossed Kisa to the ground.

Kisa was tugging on his collar because she was suffocating. Peter threw her so hard

that she tore his shirt open. The buttons on his shirt fell off.

Kisa lay on the ground and coughed violently. She could not help but feel afraid of the man in front of her.

‘He is way more terrifying and aggressive than Gilbert,’ she thought. ‘No wonder Jolina is so afraid of him and loathes him so much. He almost killed me.’

However, what she did not know was that Gilbert showed mercy and went easy on her because he loved her. Gilbert was far worse to others than Peter was.

Peter became even more annoyed when he saw his shirt was torn and cursed loudly. At that moment, Kisa suddenly saw a familiar mark on his chest. The mark instantly reminded her of something. Ignoring the pain in her body and neck, she hurriedly got up, threw herself onto Peter’s body, and pulled the shirt away from his chest.

Sure enough, there was a circular birthmark that was as red as a ruby and the size of a fingernail on his chest.

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