Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 988

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 988

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 988

Chapter 988 Eavesdrop

The lights were dim in the backyard. Kisa did not watch her steps and tripped over a vine. She stepped on and broke two branches when she staggered forward.

Madalyn stared at her with a particularly gloomy expression a few meters away as suspecting she was here to eavesdrop on purpose. However, she just came over and heard nothing at all.

“Who allowed you to eavesdrop there? Get over here now!” Madalyn, believing her assumption was correct, yelled at Kisa with disgust.

Gilbert frowned and tugged at Madalyn’s arm, “Grandma, please don’t do this.”

Madalyn withdrew her arm angrily, ignored Gilbert, and just fiercely stared at Kisa.

Kisa walked toward them with a faint smile after stabilizing herself.

“What did you hear?” Madalyn’s face was tense, and she seemed a little nervous.

Kisa’s eyes twinkled, and deliberately said, “I heard everything.”

Madalyn’s face turned sour but did not show any signs of panic. Trying to probe, she said to Kisa, “Let me tell you, don’t try to use your hypocrisy to deceive the children. They are all treasures of the Kooper family and have nothing to do with you. Don’t use any of them in your schemes.”

Madalyn stared at Kisa’s face without blinking after she finished. She could not help but feel relieved when she saw no changes in the woman’s expression.

‘If she really heard everything, she would definitely be eager to recognize the kids and won’t be this calm. Humph! She’s indeed a scheming woman, trying to learn about what I have just told Gilbert.

Luckily I didn’t fall for it.’

Contrasting with Madalyn’s belief, Kisa suddenly smiled lightly and said, “How would they have nothing to do with me?”

Madalyn frowned instantly as her heart tensed up.

Gilbert stared at Kisa without blinking and thought with deep eyes, ‘It is God’s will if she really knows everything about the children’s parentage. If so, I won’t have to feel so conflicted.’

When both of them were closely staring at Kisa, she suddenly chuckled and said, “I’m Gilbert’s wife, so I’m naturally the stepmother of his children. Besides, the kids willingly recognize me as their mom. So, there is certainly a mother-children relationship between the kids and me.”

Madalyn took a slight breath and snorted coldly, “So what? Don’t try to snatch the children away from me!” After Madalyn finished speaking, she pushed Kisa away vigorously and walked into the house.

Kisa immediately looked at Gilbert with an aggrieved face, “Is this what you mean by acceptance?”

Gilbert put his arms around her shoulders and chuckled, “At least she agreed to our relationship. Her anger toward you isn’t because she hates you but is worried you would take the children away.”

Kisa sneered, “The kids belong to the Kooper family. I’m not the children’s biological mother. How can I take them away?”

Hearing her words made Gilbert’s heart complicated as he felt more guilty toward her. He lowered his head, kissed her forehead, and coaxed softly, “Alright, don’t be angry anymore. Grandma probably got jealous because the children like you so much.”

Kisa pursed her lips and said nothing. She did not have to get angry with Madalyn because of the kids.

“Let’s go.” Gilbert walked her into the house with his arms around her, “What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you now.”

At night, Kisa and Gilbert lived in their former wedding room.

‘This is the first time we really lived together, ever since we first married. When we first got married, grandma moved out to let us live a sweet life together. But in the end, I’m the only one guarding the huge villa alone. That man has never been back since he got married, let alone stepping into this wedding room.’ Kisa stood in front of the window and thought about the past.

The man who smelled like he had just had a bath suddenly hugged her from behind.


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