RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 70 Filler

Chapter 70 Filler

70  Into The Dungeon II

"Come on let's go." Victor said.

For this dungeon, they didn't have any information on it whatsoever, so they just stepped in blindly. Unfortunately, Victor happened to enter this world during the time when dungeon levels were at the highest. These days it was common to see monsters of level 80 inside dungeons from time to time, and if one was unlucky enough, then they would even encounter a monster of above level 100. Whatever it was that existed inside this cave though, Victor was sure that he would be able to take care of it with his overpowered skills.

Yes, he was aware, some of his skills were overpowered.

The entire first floor of the dungeon for some reason had no monsters, not even a single one. There were no monster corpse either, if not Victor could have speculated that the team that entered the dungeon did so not too long ago.

This dungeon was also a cave type, and after spending months in an endless cave system, Victor felt like he had reached home... Not really. He didn't have much of a feeling to begin with, so that wasn't really possible.

They quickly made it to the other side of the cave where the path that led to the second floor was located. With the aid of the system, finding the way through the cave was relatively easy even though it was more complicated than the previous ones he explored.

As they arrived in the second floor, Victor had to put Larry away, as him being there just becomes a burden since his level and strength was not good enough. Victor advanced by himself, and sure enough, after only walking for a bit, he encountered the first monster. The monster was a lizard type, and was similar to the salamander from the previous dungeon; the only difference was that the colour of this one's skin was close to black, and not red.

[Steel Scaled Lizard Level 50]

It's skin had some silver undertone to it, but it wasn't much. Victor didn't waste anytime and rushed the the lizard with a punch. He landed a punch square on the lizard's back causing it's body to bend in ward, but that punch was not enough to kill the lizard. After he landed a few more punches, the lizard finally gave up and died.

[You have killed Steel Scaled Lizard]


Victor looked at the lizard's body, but he couldn't tell exactly why its scales were black while it had steel in its name. It was either the fact that he had a skill that hardened its scales to become as strong as steel, or maybe the skill could turn its scales to actual steel.

All of this didn't matter though, as Victor had no need for this sort of skill, seeing as his body was already as strong as steel. After he killed the lizard, Victor changed back into his zombie form. The human form wasn't as tough, and the wings he had on his back weren't helping either.

become stronger. After they went through the city, they had all gained some level, well except for 10:29

Larry. With their new level, they should be able to take care of the lizards in that floor no problem.

After that, Victor made his way into the dungeon little by little, making sure to take advantage of all the monsters there to increase his experience points, no matter the amount. By the time he had gotten to the end of this floor, Victor had managed to kill at least 50 of these lizards, all of which were of similar level to the first one he killed.

He quickly advanced to the next floor after that, not waiting for any of them to respawn so he can reap the full benefit, but that didn't mean he wouldn't benefit still. Before he advanced to the next floor, he summoned his legion and allowed them to use the lizards in that floor to level up and become stronger. After they went through the city, they had all gained some level, well except for Larry. With their new level, they should be able to take care of the lizards in that floor no problem.

After he left, Victor's legion only needed to wait  for the monsters to spawn again then they would get to work. He himself hadn't encountered any monster so far while on the third floor of the dungeon, but he had a feeling that this floor would house some strong monsters. Eventually, after spending some minutes running around, he ran into a lizad similar to the one from the previous floor. Close to half a metre in height, and 2.5 metres in length, just a bit longer than the previous group. Another difference between the two was the colour of their scales. Unlike the black scaled lizards from the previous floor, this one had almost silver scales that glistered a bit under illumination from crystals in the cave.

[Adamantine Scaled Lizard Level 50]

Surprising enough, it had the same level with the ones from the previous floors. Seeing this, Victor could guess that the difference in strength came from the toughness of their scales which was difference in defence. With his zombie form, Victor could break steel swords and block them with his bare skin, but this one was different, he wasn't sure how much damage he would be able to do to such a creature. To test it out, there was only one way, he charged at it and just like before threw a punch targeting it's back.

Unlike the previous lizard, this one didn't even seem to have received any form of damage at all. Victor's punch simply bounced off its back without seeming to have done much. He tried again for the second time, and  this time he added a bit more spunk, and as his fist approached the lizard's back, the line tattoos on Victor's right hand glowed a violent red like a volcanic reaction was happening within, then..


Victor jumped back a bit to see if it had any effect, but still there was nothing. Seeing this, Victor was sure that he wanted this creature's evolution material.

Since it was a creature with very strong physical attack resistance, Victor wondered if its magical resistance was also strong, so he rushed before it and used his Touch of Death, and unlike what he had thought, the lizards just collapsed on its stomach  immediately.

as it seemed, so he just abandoned it.


[You have killed Adamantine Scaled Lizard]


The thing with lizards was that their defences were good, but they lacked an attacking force or power. Maybe for humans these guys would prove to be some challenge, but Victor was sure that if one was strong enough, they would be able to triumph over the lizards quite easily.

Before Victor resumed moving deeper into the dungeon, he would have the evolution material from the lizard first. Since the lizard's scales were so strong, it wasn't something he could just take apart so easily. So instead of the stress, Victor just grabbed the lizard's mouth, and tore it apart from that point.

After eating enough of the lizard and gaining enough evolution material from it, Victor moved on. He could have still savaged the little parts , but opening those parts up from the inside wasn't as easy as it seemed, so he just abandoned it.

The third floor provided Victor with nearly 40 of these monsters, and from every single one of them, he made sure to take as much evolution material as he could, after all, it wasn't for only one person. After heading even deeper into that floor's cave, Victor eventually ran into another specie of these lizards that were quite similar to the Adamantine ones, if not completely the same.

Just like the adamantine scaled  lizards, these one were also silvery coloured, and their size was the same. The only difference between the both of them was the clear presence of long claws these lizards wore as weapons. When the system identified them however, Victor saw the difference between the both.

[Titanium Scaled Lizard Level 50]

These lizards were fewer in number than the others, so it didn't take much time to deal with them. Their scales were also strong, and as the case was with the adamantine scaled lizards, it seemed like they didn't have to activate a skill or an ability, it was simply part of their natural physiology. All these would be useful in a fight where he needed to increase his physical defence, and it could also be used to attack, there was no rule blocking that simple fact.

Victor stored all the evolution material and headed for the path he saw on his way here that led to the next floor. He was quite thankful that he didn't bring his legion down to this level, as they would have actually been unable to harm these creatures, not to talk of killing them. The ones who could use magic would have a much easier time compared to the more physical fighters like Amadon and Arac. Gurok had at least two or three skills, so he would be able to scrap through.

When Victor reached the fourth floor, he could immediately feel the change around. He could not explain it, but something was different.

'The humans are definitely on this floor, I can tell.'


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